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Last night's concert was lit af, God they're look so unreal, I lost my voice and so is my soul!!! Kyungsoo is so adorable!

Baekhyun POV

I almost spent three hours at Jongin's house, and it's weird because I'm so happy to see Jongin even though we just met yesterday

And guess what, I've stared at him for a whole thirty minutes that made him smack my head to bring back all my senses

A little while, Chanyeol came back to fetch me, and I was surprise when a two large plastic bags of different kind of chocolates like ice cream, candy, donut and many more was there

It made my stomach grumbles and my mouth watery just ny seeing the chocolates

"Chanyeol, can I eat them now?" I ask and slowly grabbing the plastic bags from his hands

"Eat it in the bus later, I need to say something to Jongin first" he says so I quickly drag Jongin with me and let him face Chanyeol


"Jongin Chanyeol has something to say to you,make it quick cause we're leaving soon!" Baekhyun whines like a child and still has his eyes on the nags of chocolates

"What is it?" Jongin ask Chanyeol

"Ahm can we talk, just the two of us" Chanyeol said and quickly grab Jongin to distance their selves to Baekhyun

"What is it Chanyeol? You're acting weird" Jongin felt weird by what Chanyeol is acting like why would he drag him away from Baekhyun

"I just like to inform you that Baekhyun is pregnant, and if you noticed that he's acting really different it's because he's conceiving" Chanyeol was explaining this excitedly and to the latter he's thought got blurry in an instant

"P-pregnant? How? I...what?" Jongin stutter by hearing the word pregnant

"Don't ask many questions, if you like to find out ask Kyungsoo, he knows best, so we'll leave now" he taps Jongin's shoulder who was still in an state of shock

When he walk back to Baekhyun, he paused when he saw the midget stuffing all many chocolates in his mouth

"Baekhyun" he calls making the latter stop from eating and give Chanyeol an awkward smile

" took so long to come back that's why I ate already" Baekhyun reasoned out, it just make the giant chuckles and proceed on walking towards the midget

He pull out his handkerchief from his pocket to wipe some chocolates around Baekhyun's mouth

"Such a messy eater, say goodbye to Jongin now we're going home"

Baekhyun got up from the coach and walk towards Jongin and hug him leaving a peck on the tanned male cheeks

"Bye kkamjong! See you on Monday!!!" Jongin was really shocked by the way Baekhyun acted but he just shrugged it off thinking that his best friend was really is conceiving


When the two came home, they greeted their parents and went straight to their room

Chanyeol was planning to say to his parents that Baekhyun was pregnant after he tells it to Baekhyun

Baekhyun jog towards the bed and slammed his self to it and snuggles on the blanket making the giant smile of adoration towards him

"Baek, never slammed yourself like that again, you have to be careful now" He started and take a sit beside the midget who was under the blanket

"Why? Our bed was soft I won't get hurt unless it's hard as the floor" Baekhyun reason and move closer to Chanyeol to lay his head on it's lap

"Wanna hear some good news and bad news?" Chanyeol ask that causes the latter to get up and tangles his legs on Chanyeol's hips sideward and his arms wrapped on it's upper body

"I wanna hear the bad news first" he says and leans his chin on Chanyeol's shoulder

'Well...nine months from now, I'm not the only person you will share your love with" Chanyeol fakely sigh and frown just to teased Baekhyun

"Why! That will never happen! And how can you say that!! I'm not thinking of having an affair with other person!" It hysterically said and hug the giant tighther but Chanyeol continue to pout and fake a sad expression

"Y-yah! Stop it now, I told you I will only love you! What made you say that!" Baekhyun held Chanyeol on his chin to shift his head to face him

"Really? You will only love me?" Chanyeol ask and scoop Baekhyun up and place him on his lap

"Yes, so don't pout now or I'll kiss you to death" he threaten and move his face closer to Chanyeol

"I don't mind, and I guess you won't stop kissing me after you heard the good news, and I bet you'll thank me a lot because that good news happens because of me" he conceitedly announced and pull Baekhyun even closer to his chest

"I wanna hear it now!!!!" The midget whines

"Alright, just like what I have said you'll be sharing your love with someone else after nine months, because Park're pregnant"

He softly says and once again Chanyeol felt his heart beat like a horse running, and as he was reading Baekhyun's expression he can't put into words the way he's feeling right now

A tear fell from Baekhyun's eyes, but he quickly wiped it and gulp before opening his mouth to speak

"I-I thought...she said, I w-was not...Chanyeol are y-you sure about this?" Baekhyun's voice cracked as he hold his tears up because of too much fluttering he's feeling right now but at the same time an unsure feeling was there too

"Yes I'm really sure, I left you at Jongin's house to went back to the hospital because the one who called me was the doctor and she tells me there were changes in the result..."

He paused for a second and place a loving kiss to Baekhyun's lips before continuing

"And the result is, you're really pregnant Baekhyun, you're going to be a appa" he said and a tear fall down from his eyes too

And Baekhyun, out of too much bliss, he can't help but to hug Chanyeol and cry out because of happiness

"Chanyeol...I'm so happy!" He said and hug his husband tighther

"And so do I, we're going to have a baby soon" he whisper to Baekhyun's ear before placing a kiss on it's temple

Baekhyun pull out from the hug and quickly pressed his lips to Chanyeol's lips, a kiss that is full of passion and happiness, a kiss that was a mark of one of the most memorable news for their lives

Baekhyun parted from the kiss to catch his breath and pressed his forehead to Chanyeol's while closing his eyes and a smile form on his lips

"We should tell this to mom" Baekhyun said and about to get up from Chanyeol's lap but Chanyeol pull him back making him confuse


"Not until you thank me enough" Chanyeol said, and before he knew it....they were already doing it...

Kyaaaah! Too much Chanbaek last night!  baekhyun was singing dessert by dawin and chanyeol is dancing to it

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