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After the couple tell Baekhyun's pregnancy to their parents, as usual the Parks as a cool, jolly and cheerful parents they throw a party in their house

Though Chanyeol doesn't want it, because he doesn't like those kind of stuff, he still couldn't win over his mother, so in the end they end up having a party on their house with a few visitors who was Mr. and Mrs. Park's friends and some are their acquaintance

In the middle of the party, when the visitors were eating, an unexpected visitor came...

"Ch-Chanyeol" Baekhyun nervously tap his husband's arm when he saw the person enters the garden where the party was held

Chanyeol trace where Baekhyun is looking, and when he saw the person, his eyes widens and he held Baekhyun's hand and lock it with his

"Don't worry I'm here" Chanyeol assured Baekhyun, and when that person reach their place it stop in front of them with a poker face

The two paused for a while waiting for that person to speak...or what will it do to them

"I'm sorry" two words that surprise the couple, they look at each other with a disbelief look from what the person has said

"I'm really sorry" she repeated with a low tone and bow her head

"Mama..." Chanyeol mutters and reach for his grandma's cheeks

"I'm truly sorry my dear, I shouldn't have said those words to you, either I should've let you choose on your own,  I feel terrible after I realize what I've done"

She said hug Chanyeol, the giant caresses his grandma's back and hug her back

When the lady pull out from the hug, she faces Baekhyun, who was still standing beside them with an amused expression written on his face, but that was replaced by a shocked expression when the lady faced him

"Baekhyun..." She started making the midget startles

"Y-yes" he nervously answered and lower his head as he remember their last conversation, he got embarrass on how disrespectful he was back then

"I'm sorry, I'm wrong...very wrong from what I have said to you, it's just that...I really can't accept that he's marrying a guy...because....I want a grandchild before I die"

He was taken aback when the lady apologize to him, it was like a brand new thing for him because this lady in front of him was the most bitch when it comes to him, but now...

"I-its okay, I was wrong too" he said and bow his head

"I shouldn't underestimate you, if I knew you can produced human too, I should've been nicer to you, so I'm so sorry Baekhyun"

"I told you grandma, it was okay...I forgive you, can you forgive me too?"

He awkwardly gaze at the lady's eyes that is full of sincerity now...

"Of course I do, and please call me mama from now on"

Without any word Baekhyun hug the old lady with full force almost making them both stumbles but thankfully they didn't

"Thank you mama!! You don't know how happy I am! I finally have a grandma again!" Baekhyun cheerfully said and shower the lady with lots of kisses all over it's face

"Y-yah stop I can't breath already" the lady lightly push him to break their hugs

"Thank you grandmama" Chanyeol and his grandma chuckles with the endearment Baekhyun have gave to the lady

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