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I'm warning now...even though it's not as good as other's written smut, but then it's still not good for kids to read this chapter


Baekhyun shyly nod with Chanyeol's question to him, and shamelessly pull his husband towards him for another arousing kiss

Baekhyun thrust his hips up making his hard member grinds on Chanyeol's growing member making them both moan between their kisses

Before Baekhyun knew it, Chanyeol already unzipped his pants and slowly pulling it down while their lips was still busy sucking and nibbling ileach other

Without passing more minutes Chanyeol finally kicked down Baekhyun's pants together with his boxers and underwear that causes his erected member to sprang up, up to his stomach

Feeling the air under him Baekhyun broke the kiss panting making Chanyeol give him a questioning look

"I...i-it, I feel...Ch--" before he could utter another words Chanyeol captured his lips once more before parting a few seconds later and standing up only to be followed by Baekhyun's eyes

Chanyeol quickly push down his pants together with all his undergarments making the smaller widens his eyes and quickly turn his gaze to the other side to ovoid seeing Chanyeol's hard member

Just as soon he felt the bed moved and the next thing he knew is Chanyeol hovering him again

"Too shy to look?" Chanyeol whisper through his ear before nibbling it sending back the hot feelings over his body

Chanyeol grinds their barenmember together causing them both to moam in pleasure as Baekhyun wrapped his arms around Chanyeol's back and spreading his legs wider to let Chanyeol grind on him freely

" feels g-good" Chanyeol moan as he continue grinding their hard member together but faster than before

"Ch-Chan...s-stop I'm gonna...ngh" before they could both utter a word Baekhyun let out a white sticky liquid between them that made Chanyeol stop from grinding

"That was quick, but we're not finish yet" Chanyeol said panting before kissing Baekhyun's neck again and sucking it to form a new marks on it while his hands was busy caressing his husband's inner thigh causing the midget to get boner again

"Now let me show you how to use this" Chanyeol said again when he stop his doing and grab the bottle beside them while the smaller just stares at him with a lustful eyes and heavy breathing while he was opening the bottle

He poured right amount of slimy liquid on his two fingers before setting it aside again and going back on his husband

"Does it taste good?" Baekhyun innocently ask while waiting for Chanyeol to do his next move

"Yah! It's not for eating, just wait and spread that slim legs again" Baekhyun pouted and just shyly do as he tells

And a second later he felts the slimy finger on his entrance slowly entering it causing him to tense up and grip on Chanyeol's bicep

"Relax it hurts but just in the beginning " the giant said before finally slipping his long finger inside Baekhyun's entrance making the smaller to wince in pain and tightly closed his eyes and dug his nails into Chanyeol's skin

The giant leans towards Baekhyun to kiss him as he thrust his finger in and out it's entrance, and just when he knew that Baekhyun was relax he added the next finger and start scissoring him widely

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