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Baekhyun POV

He stop kissing me and stare at my eyes lovingly but he was still on top of my supporting his weight by his elbows on the both sides of my head

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry baby" my heart just melt with the endearment he just used, and with that sincere eyes of him it's feels like I'm drowning in his deep brown eyes

"I'm truly sorry, it's really not what you think, she hug me but trust me I didn't hug her back, I was looking for you that time because when I woke up you're not beside me so I thought you already left me"

I suddenly feel guilty, I acted so immature and in jump into conclusion that time, I should've heard him out first

"Baekhyun trust me I only love you and don't doubt me because we're already married you should know that I'm always yours, all yours" he continue and so my heart continuously melt as he speak

"I'm sorry too, I'm being so immature when I'm supposed to be matured because I'm already a married person, now I don't think if I'm still suitable to be your husband"

I pouted and look on the other side to avoid his eyes because right now I'm really embarrassed from what I acted to him that time

"Don't say that, I love every flaws you have and I don't think nobody will be suitable as my husband if it is not you, I only want you, no one else but you" he shifted my head to face him again and gently he kiss my forehead


"I love you please don't think of divorcing me ever again" he breath out like he was sending the pain he's feeling right now

"I- because...I really didn't mean it" I cupped his face with my both hands before combing his hair back using my fingers

"You must not, because if you do I don't know what will happen to me" I just smile and nod to him, what did I do in my past life to deserve this kind of guy in my life

"Baekhyun I saw something on your things" he remove his self on tip of me and sit beside me and so I also get up and crossed sit in front of him

"What is it?" I confusely ask and I followed him with my eyes when he stands and walks towards the closet and get something inside it

He went back beside me holding the medium size bottle that Jongin gave me during my wedding

"Mister why is this bottle with you?" He ask while his one brow is arch and shaking the bottle in front of my face, I just shrugged my shoulder and stick out my lower lip indicating that I don't know

"Do you know what is this? I can't believed am angel looking like you have this kind of thing" my eyes widens cause of confusement by what he is saying, he was shaking his head and flicking his tongue

"Y-yah! What do you me-mean? I really don't k-know what is that, Jongin g-gave it to me and told me to bring it here"

I sitter because I got nervous because of his expression that's showing a disbelief

"You want to know what's the use of this?" He wiggles his brows and came closer to me and me as a curious person I nodded and just stay still waiting for him to explain it to me

Instead of speaking...I received a sloppy kiss from him that made me blush in shock and soon I closed my eyes and respond to the kiss he initiate


And a little while I felt the soft sheets of bed on my back and Nome of us break the kiss, I circles my arm around his neck pulling him deeper to me, and I felt his hand snake under my shirt caressing every part of my upper body until it reaches my bud, he gently pinch it that makes me gasp

And with that he enter his wet muscle inside my mouth and find my tongue to scoop it up and soon he suck it making me moan he suck and nibbles my lips too after getting fed up with my tongue

His lips lower down to my jaw sucking and licking it, I shift my head up to give him more access, after my jaw his lips went down to my neck kissing my sensitive part right away

"A-ahh...Ch-Chann" I moaned as he continue sucking and licking that spot and I know purple with red marks will show at that spot soon

"Huh?" I whines when he stop and get up, but my eyes widens when I saw him taking off his shirt and do the same to me

I didn't fight back but instead I let him do it and a little later our lips met again and this time he grinds his member with mine sending unexplainable feelings on my lower part, and I accidentally bit his lower lip when his phase gets fast causing his lip to bled

"I'm sorry" I quickly mutter when I taste his blood and when I parted from him I saw a slight cut in his lips that made me panick

"Chanyeol oh my y--" he shut me by pressing his lips with mine again

"It's fine" he said between our kiss

He lower down bringing his lips down on my buds

"Oh g-gosh" I moan as he suck it alternately, I can't do anything but to enjoy the pleasure I am feeling now and grip on his locks

His hand snake down on the the waistband on my pants sending shivers all over my body and made him part from kissing my upper body

"Do y-you want to continue this?" He ask



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