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Chanyeol POV

Forgetting all of those things that I should be doing, I ran towarsd my husband as fast as I can sweeping all of the person that might come in my way since Baekhyun's section was sitting at the upper part of the hall for they will be called last

Seeing how his face shows the pain he's feeling, luckily my long legs sprinted just as soon as he can clutch on Jongin even more and before Kyungsoo who was following me behind arrived to approach them too

Without saying any words I carry Baekhyun in my arms and assuring that he won't fall and I quickly jog towards the exit of the hall where our parents are, already waiting for us with their worried expression written all over their faces

"Oh my Baek...please be alright!" His mom half cryingly said while holding on Baekhyun's shoulder who was now painfully crying while burying his face on my neck and arms circled around my nape and shoulders

"Come on son, I'll drive you to the hospital let's hurry up!!!" My dad said who was now obviously nervous too because of the scene right now

I didn't know how but we arrived at the parking lot in less than two minutes for the record of time

I quickly but carefully place him at the back seat and turn to the other door to sit next to him while on his other side was his mom, while mom and dad occupied the seats in front

Right after my butt meet the seat Baekhyun quickly held my hand tightly while his other hand was on his stomach caressing it circularly

"Dad please drive fast" I said but my focus was still on my husband who was now crying in pain "Chanyeol, why does it hurt! Our baby..." He sobs  that added nervousness in me cause honestly I myself don't really know what to do right now

"Baby it's okay, nothing bad will happen, hm?" His mom spoke while helping him caressed his tummy

I reach for Baekhyun's cheek and wiped his falling tears, that being stingy feeling in me "stop crying, like your mom said, nothing bad will happen" I kiss his forehead and move closer to him


15 minutes of waiting outside the emergency room after Baekhyun was rush inside, the doctor came out that made Baekhyun's family quickly stand and approach the doctor

"How was my husband? Is he alright? Our babies?" The continuous question if the giant after stepping a feet away from the doctor who was removing his lab mask and look at the worried giant

"Unfortunately, though it was still too early for that, but your husband was near to parturition, we just need to inform you this before we proceed to the operation" the doctor explains making Mrs Park and Mrs Byun gasp in surprise while the giant was still on a process if sinking in the words that the doctor had spoken

"But how was my son now? Is he fine?" Mrs Byun ask stepping beside Chanyeol to face the doctor

"Yes he's fine, but dew to too much pain that he felt few minutes ago, he lost his consciousness, but don't worry he will be fine" the assurance on the doctor's tone released the ease on the worried parents, but not for the giant who was now in the verge of rushing in the emergency room

"So if you'll excuse me, because we need to pull out the child as soon as possible, thank you" the doctor excuses and turn his back to went back in the emergency room

"Wait doctor!" Chanyeol called making the doctor face him again "please save my everything, I can't afford to lose them" he emotionally confessed, and just gained a genuine smile and nod from the doctor before finally going in the room

A few minutes after the chatting with the doctor, the waiting area was field with comfortable silence, the parents were sitting on the chairs on the side while Chanyeol was just standing beside the emergency room's door

Another minute had pass and Yoora came, followed by Jongin who actually ditch the ceremony after getting his diploma, and Kyungsoo was with him too who really did ditch the ceremony too

Forgetting that they're still wearing their graduation gown, the three males sat on the floor beside the door, counting the tick of the clock, heart is pounding loudly as every pass by without any news from the inside of the room

Twenty minutes had pass, no words were exchanged between all of them, just a loud silence, that all they can hear was their movements and the tick of their own wristwatch

Finally breaking the silence Jongin had spoken "I hope Baekhyun can make it..." Making all heads turn to him, all with worried expression

"Of course he will, he won't leave me" trying not to crack his voice, the giant firmly said it almost breathing heavily cause of too much pounding of his heart

"Yeah, I know...he was a fighter though he's too small to be one" the best friend again speaks leaning his head back to the concrete walls while legs widely spread on the ground while his hand was lock on his doe eyed boyfriend

Another five minute had pass, before they hear the door creek making all of them startles and quickly standing up and approach the door even though the person behind the door hasn't coming out yet

Embracing their own selves inside, they step back from the door to let the doctor step out from the door before removing it's mask, only to reveal a serious face of it, sending even louder pound to each person in front of him

And when the doctor had spoken, "I'm sorry" almost all of their hearts went out from their rib cage and yell their heart out

"W-what do you mean s-sorry?" The giant who was at the edge of breaking down nervously ask the serious doctor



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