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Chanyeol POV

I sigh deeply before walked ng towards the bathroom's door and start knocking softly on it

" this door or I'll wreck it" I threaten hoping that he'll buy it

"I don't wanna see your face! Go on wreck it if you want I'll be injured here if you do" he yells back making me roll my eyes

When will I win over him

"Then I would find someone else if you don't came out there and talk to me" I threaten again and now I know that he'll surely go out there

"I don't care! I'm not your husband anyway!" He shout making me widens my eyes

"Ow yeah? Then bye" I said and walk towards the door

I opens it and close it loudly, but I didn't went out I stay inside the room and face the bathroom's door way while leaning back into the wall

And I knew it...

"How could y--" he came out from the bathroom in a rush but stop when he saw me

"I knew you will came after me" I smirk while making my way towards him, and he just stay on his place until I reach the place in front of him

He look up to me with a sad eyes...I place a tender kiss on the tip of his nose before pulling him on our bed

"Wh-what are y--" he stutter when he saw me taking off my clothes one by one

"I will just change my clothes, lay there and wait for me" I walk to the closet and get some comfortable clothes and wears it before going back to him

I lay beside him nuzzling my nose into his right cheek as I pull his waist closer to me and making him face me

"Chanyeol, don't you love me anymore?" He ask out of the blue while staring straight into my eyes

"Of course I do" I said and peck his lips twice God his lips are so soft and addicting

"Then why don't you want to be married to me?"

"It's not that I don't want to, I just have no time and forget to register it" I explained to lessen his insecurities

"When are you planning to do it?" He ask again before brushing my hair with his fingers making me feel sleepy because of mixed tiredness and the way he comb my hair with his fingers

"Soon..." I said already half sleeping as Baekhyun continue to comb my hair

"Chanyeol, I love you" even when I'm near to deep sleep I still hear him said it

"I love you too" I mumbles almost not audible to understood

And the last thing I feel is his lips pressing gently against mine

Baekhyun POV

I was awaken by a tapping on my shoulder and I just shrugged it because I'm still drowned by sleepiness

"Baekhyun wake up it's already six thirty" Chanyeol said and continue to tap my arm

"My class starts at eight it's still early" I whines still eyes closed and slap his hand away from me

I was nearly being in a deep sleep again when I feel my body being lift up and that forced me to open my eyes

"Chanyeol put me down I want more sleep!" I whines but it's no use because he place me inside the bathroom and right away he opens the shower causing me to get completely wet while he runs fast to get out here

"Hurry up or I'll leave without you" he said before closing the door and leaving me soaking wet

why is this man keeps on blackmailing me


After a nice breakfast Chanyeol quickly pull me out off the house, it's not yet even seven in the morning but we're hear inside the bus on our way to our school

"Why are we so early?" I ask and leans my head on his shoulder making myself comfortable on it

"Because we need to" he simply say making me twitch my lips

"But Chanyeol aren't you forgetting something?"

"I don't think so" he answer confidently and I know he's thinking about a thing but I didn't mean a things anyway

"Yes you did" I whines and sit back slapping his shoulder

"What?" His brows narrowed really thinking of what he forgotten

"My good morning kiss" I whisper yell to his ears

"Tch we're on public place Baekhyun, just reserve that when I got home" he said and I can't believed it, this man really is against public display of affection and I'm hating it

"Why? It's just a kiss no harm will be caused and besides there's mo passenger except us" I reasoned because I really want his kiss...sounds desperate? I don't care

"Later I said, Baekhyun" he firmly said but I was still not threaten tho

But then I didn't wins against him because until we reached a place that I didn't know where or what is this place

"Chanyeol where are we?" I ask and follow him like a puppy when he entered the huge building with lots of person having a briefcase on their hands

He did not answer my question and continue walking until we reach a table of a middle aged woman

"Excuse me ma'am, I will just file a registration for marriage" and I feel my heart thump when I heard what he have said

Marriage registration? Is this, this?

"Okay, did you bring your requirements?"

I huge smile that almost ripped mybfave forms on my face as I switch my head to the woman and Chanyeol as they talk to each other

"Mr. Park Baekhyun please sign here and Park Chanyeol sign here"

"She calls me Mr. Park" I whisper to Chanyeol with a wide grins over my face and he just chuckles and wait for me to sign the papers

I can't believed this I'm officially going to be a PARK!!!!


"Baekhyun pass this to the office for them to fix your surnames on your record at school" I just nodded and get the papers from him

Registration of marriage was just so easy we haven't spend half hour there...I shouldn't rush if I knew that this would be this fast

But then I'm still happy to be a Park

We decided to walk our way to school since it's just a meters away from here and it's still early to rush there

But before Chanyeol could start walking, I grab his hand and pull him to face me and I quickly tip toe and place a kiss on his lips

"Thank you" I said and show him my crescent eyes smile face...he just smile shyly and start walking pulling me with him

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