S1x01 - Wolf Moon || Part One

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It was late at night in Beacon Hills, but no one was asleep in the McCall household. Instead, Scott McCall was preparing for his lacrosse try-outs tomorrow while I, his older sister, Raegan McCall (or Rae to my-nonexistent-friends) was picking out an outfit for tomorrow.

It was completely silent until the I heard a strange shuffling noise from outside.

At around the same time, both me and my brother stuck our heads outside of our rooms.

"You heard that, right?" I asked, stepping outside of my room.

"Yeah," Scott nodded, also walking out of his room, a baseball bat in hand, which erupted a snicker from me. Ignoring me, Scott stated, "I think it came from outside."

Scott cautiously walked to the front door with me at his heels. He was probably bracing himself for the worst-case scenario. I, on the other hand, thought it was probably just an animal. If it was a predator, I could take them. I had taken four years of kickboxing for that exact scenario. But I hesitated at the front door, not wanting to go outside. I had a reason to be scared. I still got terrible nightmares about that one night that changed me forever. I was only nine years old, just a child... I forced myself to snap out of it and look up. My younger brother held the baseball bat, preparing to defend me and himself. He was the sweetest little brother any sister could ask for. Besides my mom, he was the only one who saw me for who I truly am, not just as some slut like everybody at school saw me. Screaming interrupted my thoughts.

"Stiles, what the hell are you doing?!" I heard my brother exclaim. I took a deep breath, it was just my brother's best friend, Stiles. Knowing it was safe, and cursing at myself for being so weak and pathetic, I stepped outside.

"You weren't answering your phone. Why do you have a bat?" Stiles questioned, still hanging on our roof, upside down.

"He thought you were a predator," I forced out a laugh, still shaken up from the flashback. I heard a familiar chuckle and turned to look at Samantha, Stiles' twin sister, coming up the stairs. I sneered at Sammy, we had been rivals since the fifth grade. I gave her a rude once-over, which she returned, then turned back to Stiles.

Stiles gave me a look of disbelief, having not noticed the mini show-down that just happened between his and his best friend's sisters, then turned to Scott. "A pre - I - wha - look, I know it's late, but you gotta hear this. I saw my dad leave 20 minutes ago. Dispatch called. They're bringing in every officer from the Beacon Department, and even State Police."

"For what?" Scott questioned.

"Two joggers found a body in the woods!" Stiles beamed, jumping down from the roof.

"A dead body?" Scott asked. Sammy snorted and I made a face of disgust.

"No, a body of water. Yes dumbass, a dead body."

"You mean like murdered?"

"Nobody knows yet, just said it was a girl, probably in her twenties."

"Well, hold on. If they found the body, what are they looking for?" I questioned.

"That's the best part...they only found half."

|| Teen Wolf ||

Ten minutes later, we pulled up in front of a 'Beacon Hills Reserve' sign. I really didn't want to come, but somebody's gotta take care of my dweeb of a brother, and I don't have much faith in Sammy or Stiles.

"Are we seriously doing this?" Scott asked as I slammed the Jeep's door closed behind me.

"You're the one always bitchin' that nothing ever happens in this town," Stiles answered, letting Sammy out of the backseat. Scott gave me a pointed look and I put my hands up in defeat.

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