S3x06.5 - Motel California || Part Two

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"Handsaw?!" Stiles exclaimed and we all used our force to break the door open.

It was the twin Isaac had beaten up earlier at the rest stop... and he was slowly bringing the chainsaw to his abdomen.

"Hey, no, Ethan, don't!" Stiles shouting, running and throwing the handsaw away from him.

"Quick!" Sammy shouted at Lydia. "The plug!"

Lydia quickly pulled the plug to the handsaw out of the wall just as Ethan pushed Stiles, whose face fell merely an inch away from the handsaw just as it slowed down.

But Ethan didn't stop. He flicked out his claws and tried tearing at his stomach when Allison and Rae tried pulling his hands away, causing him to fall onto a heater.

He yelped in pain, clutching his hand. He looked around at our faces in surprise and stood up. "What just happened?"

Did he really not remember?

Before anyone could say anything, he bolted out of the room.

"Ethan!" Stiles shouted, chasing after him.

When we caught up, Ethan was going down the motel stairs and telling Stiles, "Didn't you hear what I just said? I don't know how I got there or what I was doing."

"Okay, you could be a little bit more helpful, you know? We did just save your life," Sammy said when we caught up.

Ethan whipped around to face us. "And you probably shouldn't have," he stormed away and this time we didn't go after him.

"What do we do now?" I frowned, scared for the boys.

"We should split up. Allison, help me find Scott," Sammy directed, "Addie and Rae, find Isaac. Stiles and Lydia, find Boyd."

"The best thing we can do is get them out of this place," Rae nodded.

Once Allison and Sammy left to find Scott, Lydia began to walk back up the stairs. Stiles was supposed to follow her, but instead, he just stood where he was, staring at her.

Lydia also stopped walking, probably feeling that Stiles was staring at her, and turned to look at him. "What?" she snapped at him, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Stiles snapped out of it and began to stutter, "Oh, no, I w-"

"Stiles," Lydia interrupted, giving him a look.

Rae and I exchanged awkward looks as Stiles let out a sigh. "Alright, Lydia. I didn't want to say anything, but this-everything we're going through-we've kind of been through something like this before, a lot like this."

Lydia crossed her arms and gave him a bewildered look, "What do you mean? When?"

"Your birthday party, the night you poisoned everyone with wolfsbane."

My eyes widened and I once again exchanged looks with Rae.

"Oh, shit."


Lydia storms off without a word with the three of us tailing her.

"Way to go, moron," I elbow Stiles in the ribs, which he dramatically yelps at. Like brother like sister, I suppose.

"Stiles, Sammy told you to leave her alone," Addie chided from the other side of him.

Stiles sighed. "Lydia, I'm sorry, okay? Look, I didn't mean that you're trying to kill people, okay? I just... I just meant that maybe... maybe you're somehow involved in getting people to kill themselves, you know?" Seeing the looks Addie and I give him, he continues, "Which now that I say that out loud, it just sounds really terrible, so I'm just going to stop talking."

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