S1x10 - Co-Captain || Part One

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*Edit made by Potterheart234


The three of us were hiding in one of the hospital rooms, listening to Peter and Derek fight.

I wanted to help, but my hand was still broken. Even I'm not that reckless.

When they had stopped fighting, Stiles whispered, "I think the coast's clear. Let's go."

The three of us got up and went into the hallway, when a voice halted us.

"And where are you three off to?"

We turned our heads towards Peter, who's face was no longer scarred. He was leaning against the wall, looking over his nails with a calm look on his face. He was one cocky bastard, but I guess he had the right to be.

When none of us answered, he spoke up again, "If you're heading to the lacrosse game, I'm afraid you're just a bit too late. I think right about now Scott's making the winning point." He chuckled softly and gestured to Stiles, "And to think that could've been you." Stiles' face fell slightly. "Well, maybe next time, huh?"

This motherfucker.

I saw something in the corner of my eye and I moved my eyes to see Derek standing a little ways behind Peter. Hope filled me up. Derek was here to take this bitch-ass Alpha down! From what I could see, Peter hadn't noticed him yet. Derek had the perfect opportunity.

But he didn't move to attack him. Matter of fact, he wasn't even looking at him. He was looking to the floor. I followed his eyes to the ground, but there wasn't anything remotely interesting about the floor. What the heck was Derek doing?

I looked towards Stiles and Sammy and saw them glancing at Derek as well. Stiles met my eyes and we shared the same thought. What was he waiting for?

We jumped at the sound of Peter clapping his hands together. He smiled at us, but it was neither sincere nor friendly. It was as if he knew something we didn't... like he was smug.

"Well as much fun as this is, getting to chat with one another, we have to get going. You know, congratulate Scott on his win. I'm sure we'll keep in touch." He continued to smile.

My hearing seemed to be delayed as it took me such a long time to figure out what he just said. He said 'we'. As in two or more people. Red is knocked out and I doubt she'll be getting up anytime soon. The three of us would never go with him for obvious reasons. That only left Derek... but Derek would never go with him... Would he?

I shook my head and almost laughed at the thought. It was too silly. Derek joining the Alpha, who has fucked Beacon Hills in all ways, was so ridiculous. He would never betray Scott. He would never betray us. Never. He may be a dick, but he wasn't evil.

"Uh, I know you were in a coma, so I'll be nice," Stiles said then mumbled under his breath, "...even though you clearly haven't been..." He cleared his throat and finished, "I think you meant to say 'I have to get going'." Peter continued to smile. "Because you said 'we' and that applies two or more, which you don't have since your nurse is unconscious..." Stiles trailed off and slowly looked at Derek in disbelief and realization. "No way..."

Peter nodded with that smug smile attached to his lips. "Yes way. Family overcomes anything. Wouldn't you agree, Stiles and Samantha? I'm sure your father would."

Stiles' eyes were wide open and his mouth slightly agape. I don't know why. Derek is obviously pulling our chain. He's gonna snap out of this and attack the Alpha. Just watch, any minute now.

"And Raegan," I tensed when he said my name, but looked at him either way. "The same would go for you and Scott. Though you are constantly teasing him, you would do anything for your brother. Family is above all and nothing can stand in its way. So why would Derek and I be any different?"

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