S1x03.5 - Pack Mentality || Part Two

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Stiles began honking to get Scott's attention.

"He better haul ass," Rae muttered, next to me in the back.

"C'mon, c'mon," Stiles said, as we saw Scott running to us. Stiles started getting fidgety and hitting the steering wheel. Scott was running really fast to us, and I was wondering how he was going to get over the fence, until I saw the show-off jump, flip over it and tuck-n-roll the landing. I felt my jaw drop.

After he made it to the car, he jumped into the passenger's seat and urged Stiles, "Go, go, go, go!"

As soon as we were in the clear, Stiles asked, "Did it work? Did you remember?"

"Yeah," Scott nodded, "I was there last night and the blood- a lot of it was mine."

"So you did attack him?"

"No! I saw glowing eyes on the bus, but they weren't mine. It was Derek."

Rae scoffed.

"What about the driver?" Stiles questioned.

"It was actually like I was trying to protect him."

Rae sighed, "This again, guys? Derek is not a killer. Besides, why would Derek help you remember that he attacked the driver?"

"That's what I don't get."

"It's gotta be a pack thing," I guessed.

"What do you mean?" he turned to look at me.

"Like an initiation. You do the kill together."

"Because ripping out someone's throat is a real bonding experience."

"But you didn't do it, so you're not a killer and it also means that-," Stiles started, but Scott cut him off happily, "That I can go out with Allison."

Stiles looked at him like he was insane and said, "I was going to say, it means you won't kill us."

"Oh yeah, that too."


"Ew, you're gonna wear that?"

Scott groaned and fell back on his bed. He covered his face with a faded maroon shirt with tiny white stripes that had a tiny orange stripe in them as well, and cried out, "Help me! What am I supposed to wear when you 'hang out' with a girl you really like and her friends?"

"Chill Scott, first don't wear dress shirts. You don't want to dress like it's a date when it's not. Keep it cool and casual like you're saying 'Yeah, I'm relaxed, even though I turn into a wolf once a month.'"

If looks could kill.

"Ha-ha, you're hilarious," he deadpanned, then looked at the time. "Ah, now seriously help me!"

I grinned at him. "Bro-dude-,"


"Bitch, do you want my help or not?"


I clapped. "Alright, lemme take a look at your closet." I walked over and started moving things into two piles: Things to burn and things to keep. Seriously, the clothes he has in here are horrible. Why haven't I noticed before? I'm a bad sister.

"Ew," I tossed a crappy green long-sleeve to the floor. "What are you? Tony the Tiger?" I asked as I threw an orange shirt with black stripes to the floor. "It's gross!"

"Raegan! I don't have time for you to go through my whole closet! I only have an hour!"

He seemed so pathetic, begging me. I liked it! "Say 'Rae is the greatest human being in the entire freaking world'."

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