S2x04 - Abomination || Part One

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Stiles had gone to the mechanic to fix what Erica had broken of his Jeep yesterday, and I was at home finishing up a paper on why the 20th century is not the age of women's liberation. Being the person that I am, I wrote about six pages on it.

It was ten o'clock and Stiles still hasn't come home yet. He'd been at the mechanic for over two hours and he hadn't replied to any of my texts or calls.

I tried my best to stay calm in the situation, but it was very unlike him to not answer me back. I decided to call Scott.


"What's up?" he said.

"I'm worried about Stiles. He said he would be just an hour at the mechanics but it's been over two! I'm getting worried."

"Want me to come pick you up so we can investigate?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry. You're on your secret date with Allison, right?"

"Actually, no. Her grandpa's holding her back so I've been waiting for her for an hour. I'm leaving right now, though," I could hear him treading through the woods.

"Okay, thanks Scott," I said, then hung up.

|| Teen Wolf ||

I was waiting outside with a baseball bat. It was something I've carried with me alot these days. I mean, I needed it. After all, I was a human who had no supernatural powers whatsoever and I needed to protect myself. I usually didn't resort to violence because I would always think of a way to get myself out of a bad situation. I'm a lover, not a fighter. Well, actually I would fight old, white men who complain about getting only 98% of the attention.

I was zoned out and when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I hit the person with the baseball bat out of instict.

"What the hell Sammy?!" Scott groaned. "First the trip wire, and now this?"

"Oh my god, Scott!" I said, rushing to him. "I didn't know it was you!"

"Who else would it be?" he asked, rubbing his arm.

"I'm a human who is helping you fight supernatural creatures with supernatural powers! I have to take cautionary measures," I defended myself.

All of a sudden Scott started laughing.

"Why the hell are you laughing?!" I snapped. "I can get mad too, you know? I just want to be taken seriously!"

"I clearly know you can get mad, I've witnessed it before," he laughed. "But how did you think it would be a good idea to defend yourself with a baseball bat against supernatural creatures?"

I sighed, knowing he was right but I wouldn't let him know that. I liked being right, and accepting the fact that I was wrong in this situation would be absolutely terrible for me because he would go on about it for years. He's been doing this since kindergarden.

"You know ever since you got bitten you've a real pain in the ass!" I glared.

"Come on, I didn't mean to laugh," he said as he kept laughing.

"Don't talk to me!" I said, trying to keep a straight face. "Let's just find Stiles so that you can get back to your werewolf ego."

|| Teen Wolf ||

Scott parked us somewhere my dad couldn't see us because he'd get mad if he saw I was out. So we watched Dad ask Stiles some questions, then Stiles was finally home-free and practically ran to the car and sat in the backseat.

"You okay?" Scott asked, turning around to face him.

"What happened, Stiles?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Stiles answered. "But I think I saw the thing that you all saw at Isaac's. The thing that probably killed Isaac's father."

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