S1x01.5 - Wolf Moon || Part Two

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The next day, after school, I had just gotten ready for the party when I heard my mom and Scott talking down the hall from my room.

I walked out of my room the same time my mom was saying, "And her name is...?"

"Allison," Scott answered. Allison? I thought he liked Sam...

"Allison. Nice," mom gave him her keys.

"Thank you," Scott smiled, taking the keys.

Mom noticed me first, "Raegan, you look hot!" I was wearing a short, sleeveless, red velvet dress with black thigh high boots.

"Thanks, mom," I laughed, kissing her cheek.

She smiled, then turned back to Scott, "We don't need to have a talk to we?" I burst out laughing.

"Mom, I'm not having the safe sex talk with you!"

"Oh my god! No, I meant about keeping the tank full. Give me those back," she took the keys away from Scott.

"Are you serious?"

"You bet your ass I'm serious. I'm not ending up on one of those television shows about a pregnant sixteen-year-old!"

I stopped laughing and put my arms around her, "Please, mommy? Please can we have the keys?" She took a deep breath and handed me the keys.

"That right there? That is called favoritism," Scott pointed out.

"Oh, shut up. Don't make me regret giving you those keys. Now go, have fun," she said pushing us towards the door.

|| Teen Wolf ||

I was sitting in the back seat when Scott opened the passenger door for Allison. She thanked him and sat down. She turned back to look at me and smiled, "Hi, I'm Allison." She seemed surprisingly sweet.

"Raegan," I smiled back as Scott got back in the driver's seat and headed towards the party.

When we got there and got out of the car, Allison saw my outfit and commented, "I like your outfit!"

"Thanks," I said, taking in her jeans, white shirt, and black blazer. It wasn't something I'd wear, but she pulled it off. "I like yours, too."

When we walked in I split up from them, heading towards the kitchen. I hadn't even finished pouring a drink when hands grabbed my waist and pulled me into a dark corner. Before I knew what was going on, there were a pair of lips on mine, kissing me roughly. I pushed myself away from the guy and punched him in the face.

"OW! What the fuck Rae?!"

"Jackson?! What the hell is wrong with you?" I could see him clearer, now that my eyes had adjusted to the darkness.

"Don't pretend like you weren't totally eye-raping me in the hall yesterday."

I cringed at his choice of words, "I was just joking! How could you do that to Lydia?"

"Oh, please. You're the school's biggest skank. It shouldn't matter whether or not I'm in a relationship, as long as it's a good lay. And trust me, I'm a good lay," he started reaching out for me again, but I backed out of reach.

"Go to hell," with that, I marched away.

I headed towards the back door, leading to the pool, in search of Scott. But before I reached it, Scott came stumbling through with Allison at his heels. What the hell? Scott's never gotten this drunk. "Scott!" I yelled at him, when he walked right past me towards the front door. I heard other people ask if he was alright, but I ignored them, following Scott with Allison.

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