S2x11.5 - Battlefield || Part Two

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"Scott! Wait for me!" I shouted as I tried to follow Scott and Stiles into the locker room.

"What? Addie, what are you doing here? You can't be here!" Stiles exclaimed.

I stopped where I was and stared at him, feeling hurt. "Why not?"

"What Stiles is trying to say is, 'Shouldn't you be at home?'" Scott questioned. I had managed to convince Ms. McCall to let me stay at home-Hospitals make me feel a little uncomfortable-and I had tried to get her to let me go to Scott's game, but she refused, saying that I needed to rest. But how could I rest? It was Scott and Stiles's last lacrosse game of the season. I couldn't miss it, and besides, I have a feeling something's going to go wrong after what Isaac had said yesterday, and there's no way I could just stay home and rest.

I gave them a sheepish smile, "I took Scott's bike." I know, I know. Addie, that's dangerous! You could've hurt yourself even more, yada, yada. But I did my best not to push myself, and stopped every time I felt even the slightest bit of pain from my stomach-and I stopped 14 times! I counted myself. Besides Teddy already scolded me and I'm pretty sure Scott and Stiles were about to as well.

"Addie, you're injured!" Scott chided, "You could've re-opened your wound."

I whimpered and looked down at the ground, sadly. "I didn't want to miss your game."

Stiles groaned, "Oh, god, she's whimpering. Scott, she's whimpering."

I looked back up at them, sadly.

"And the puppy-dog eyes?! Scott get rid of her before she tricks us into doing something!"

I made eye contact with Scott and he hesitated. "Maybe she could come with us," he said slowly.

"Scott, this is the boy's locker room," Stiles reminded him.

"But what if she can't find Rae, Sammy, or my mom?" Scott insisted. "Who knows what could happen to her."

Stiles stared at him in disbelief, but after a few seconds of what I think was a staring contest, Stiles let out a sigh, "Fine! But remember, if anything goes wrong..."

"Greenberg did it," I repeated, remembering what Stiles had told me back when I first started going to this school.

Stiles grinned and ruffled my hair. "Good."

Scott and Stiles entered the locker room, and I happily began to follow them. However, just as I entered the door, other boys started moving around me, blocking my vision of Scott and Stiles. When my sight was finally clear of guys, Stiles and Scott were nowhere to be found.

I looked around frantically, wandering around the locker room. "Scott?! Stiles?!"

I noticed that a lot of the guys were looking at me, and I hugged Teddy tightly against my chest. I couldn't help but feel scared.

"Sc-Scott? Stiles...?"


Surprised, I let out a yelp and quickly turned around to see who had just said my name. When I saw who it was, I let out a relieved sigh. "Danny!"

He gave me a smile, but I could tell he was confused. "What are you doing in here? Scott said you'd be at home."

"I wanted to be here to cheer for you guys," I admitted.

"So you snuck out of your house and walked all the way over here?" Danny asked, raising his eyebrows

"I took Scott's bike."

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