S2x02 - Shape Shifted || Part One

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A/N: Yay! Adeline's finally officially here! - Mod A


"So, how are your grades, Isaac?" Daddy asked, as we all sat at the dinner table, eating our food.

"Um...so far it's an "A" in French and a "B" minus in Econ," was Isaac's answer. "I also have a...uh...C in English."

Daddy frowned. "You were doing so much better. What happened?"

Isaac looked down and played with his food, "Um... I don't have a tutor anymore."

He had told me it was hard to be around Sammy since she broke his heart.

Daddy glared, "What about chemistry?"

I noticed that Isaac gulped nervously, "I'm not sure. Uh, midterms are in a few days so it could go up." Uh oh, that doesn't sound good.

Daddy seemed to be thinking the same thing because he continued to pressure Isaac. "Well, what's it at, now?"

"The grade?"

"Uh, yeah," I looked back and forth between Daddy and Isaac. I could tell Daddy was starting to get annoyed.

"Uh, I'm not sure," Isaac said.

"But you just said it could go up," Daddy pointed out.

"I just-uh, I meant generally," Isaac said, trying to recover, but it was failing.

"You wouldn't be lying to me, would you, Isaac?" Daddy asked, calmly cutting into his steak.

"No," Isaac said, quickly.

"Then tell me your grade," Daddy insisted.

"I just told you, I don't know."

"You wanna take this little conversation downstairs?" Daddy threatened. Both Isaac and I shook our head, frantically. "No? Then tell me your grade, son."

"Dad, this semester's only half over," Isaac reasoned.


"There's plenty of time-" Isaac tried to say, but Daddy cut him off.


"Daddy, I got a 100% on my quarter test!" I said randomly, hoping to distracting him, but I quickly shut up when he glared at me.

"It's...it's a D..." Isaac admitted. I gasped. I didn't know it was that bad. I thought maybe it was just a C or something...

I looked at Daddy, fearfully, as he took a deep breath. 'All right. It's a "D". I'm not angry." I saw Isaac relax a little, but I shook my head. No! He should know better than to let his guard down!

"You know I'm gonna have to find a way to punish you though," Daddy said, making Isaac tense up again. "You know, I have my responsibility as a parent. So we'll start with something simple, like, uh-Tell you what, you do the dishes and you clean up the kitchen, okay?"

Isaac and I exchanged wary glances at the easy punishment. "Yeah..." Isaac agreed, nodding.

Daddy took a sip of his drink from his glass. "Good. Because I'd really like to see this place spotless." He dropped the glass onto the floor and I flinched, staring at the shards with wide eyes.

"Know what I'm saying? You know?" Daddy continued as if that hadn't happened. 'I mean this entire kitchen." He slammed his hands onto the table and pushed his plates onto the floor. Instinctively, Isaac and I jumped out of our chairs and cowered against the wall, trying to get away from him.

"Yeah, absolutely..." Daddy threw a glass pitcher at us, but it hit the wall a little bit above us. I felt the shards land in my hair and on the floor around us. "...spotless."

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