S2x01.5 - Omega || Part Two

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We dedicate this chapter to @TasniaChowdhury (aka Contributor T) who has somehow managed to withstand the verbal abuse she gets from Mod R(she also fights back, so don't worry, it's not one-sided). Happy Birthday!

- Mod A


Bolting upright, I woke up in a cold sweat.

Another nightmare.

The pain is still as fresh in my mind as it was six years ago. I could still feel his lingering hands on me.

I quickly got up and tiptoed to the basement.

There, I put my boxing gloves on and started pounding into the bag.

To distract myself, I started replaying the events of last night in my head.

After Argent had left, we looked in and around Derek's house for Lydia for hours. We couldn't find neither Lydia nor Derek. Finally, giving up for the night, at midnight, we all had gone home.

Suddenly, two arms snaked around me.

Reflexively, I turned and flipped them onto their back with my knee to their throat.

"Ow," Scott groaned.

I quickly got off of him. "Scott! You know not to sneak up on me while I'm kickboxing!"

I pulled him to his feet, and he said, "I know, I couldn't help myself. You had a nightmare, didn't you?"

He looked at me in pity, and I turned away from him and said, "Yeah. I tried not to wake you."

"I couldn't sleep. Then I heard you go downstairs and I wanted to check on you. Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, I'm fine. Go to sleep."

"No, I'll just stay with you."

"Scott, that's really not necess-"

Turning me around, he hugged me again. "Let me stay with you."

"Fine," I whispered, reluctantly.

Letting go of me, he said, "You go back to your boxing. I'll sit on the couch."

He turned and slumped onto the couch that was facing our old, broken TV.

He gave me a sweet smile and a thumbs up.

I smiled back.

He was honestly the sweetest little brother anyone could ever ask for.

Turning around, I went back to beating the shit out of the bag.

|| Teen Wolf ||

When I was about ready to pass out from exhaustion, I took the gloves off my hands and threw them back into the corner.

I turned to the couch to find Scott soundly asleep. Walking over to him, I slumped down next to him and was out like a light.


Before school started, Daddy drove me and Isaac to the cemetery to give the sheriff Isaac's statement for what had happened last night.

"Stay here," Daddy instructed me.

I nodded, and he and Isaac left the car, walking up to the sheriff.

Luckily for me, my window was down so I could hear the whole conversation.

"What's your name, son?" Sheriff asked my brother.

"It's Lahey. Isaac Lahey."

He wrote it down. "You work for your father, Isaac?"

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