S3x02 - Chaos Rising || Part One

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"What?" Stiles asked Scott.

"What do you mean 'what'?" Scott answered looking at Stiles.

I rolled my eyes as they walked in front of me. Boys.

"What 'what?" Scott asked.

"That look you were giving," Stiles explained.

"I didn't give a look," Scott frowned.

"Yes, you did," Stiles shot back. "It was a distinct look."

"What look?"

"For goodness sake!" I groaned in frustration. "You gave the look that says the last thing you want to do is party. It's the same look I have on my face right now!"

"It's also a little weird going to another high school's party," Scott agreed with me.

"First off," Stiles started, "She's not a stranger. Sammy and I went to nursery school with this girl. Also, it would be good for all of us. We could forget Lydia, Allison, and Isaac!"

"I've already gotten over Isaac like four months ago!" I said.

Stiles glared at me, "You are not helping my point!"

"I should be with Lydia right now!" I shot back. "We were supposed to hang out today and just watch that One Direction movie for the fifth time on DVD!"

"What's the movie about?" Stiles shot back. "Their hair?"

"You don't understand them! That point is clearly evident because of your hair!" I said. "Plus, don't you have a Harry Styles obsession?"

"He has a Harry Styles obsession?" Scott laughed.

"Yes, he does!" I laughed. "He spent an entire night googling him!"

"First off," Stiles glared. "I wasn't searching him up all night. I was just curious about why almost every girl on earth is obsessed with him. Second of all, how the hell did you know the password to my computer and why the hell were you looking through my browser history?"

"I have my ways," I grinned, ignoring the second question as I opened Heather's door.

"Stiles!" Heather smiled as she ran to the three of us.

Ouch. We've talked to each other for hours about our favorite princesses and she doesn't even acknowledge me.

"There's the birthday girl-" Stiles was cut off as Heather pressed her lips to his.

"Did she just..." I started.

"Yep," Scott said. "This is weird."

"So glad you can make it!" Heather said, breaking away from Stiles.

"Sammy!" Heather finally noticed me.

"Please don't greet me the same way!" I let out an uncomfortable laugh.

Heather laughed and hugged me.

"Stiles, can you come downstairs with me and help me pick out a bottle of wine?" she asked once she pulled away from me.

"Yes," Stiles smiled as she pulled him away.

"Why do I get the feeling that they aren't going to be picking out a bottle of wine?!" I made a face.

"Sammy," he laughed. "Take a deep breath. He's just having fun!"

"Fun?!" I yelled. "I don't know about you, but I can't even think about what's going on down there without not wanting puke and stab my eyes out!"

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