S3x03 - Fireflies || Part One

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After the line had gone dead, there has been a lot of panic.

"I'm going after him!" I yelled.

"Rae, you can't. They're like rabid dogs on steroids; they'll kill you in an instant. I'll go," Isaac said, calmly.

"He's my brother! You can't expect me to just sit here on my ass while he could be dying!" I shouted at him.

"I'm on Rae's side," Sammy shouted. "I'm coming, too!"

"Yeah, me too," Stiles announced.

"No, Stiles, you stay here with Addie," Sammy said. "She shouldn't be left alone with Peter."


Peter cut off Stiles' protest, "Hey, I'll have you know-"

"EVERYONE, SHUT UP," I screamed. "Stiles and Addie will stay here. Isaac, Sammy, and I are going to go. Peter... you do whatever. No one cares. LET'S GO!"

|| Teen Wolf ||

We had climbed out of the car and were about to go inside the bank when Isaac stopped.

"No," he said. "I don't hear any heartbeats. But..." He sniffed the air. "I can smell them. They went that way," he said, pointing to the left.

Oh, thank god. At least they weren't trapped in the vault with Boyd and the other girl.

We got back in the car and I drove the random directions he pointed me in. Man, it's great to have a werewolf on your side when you're looking for someone.

"Stop," Isaac said and I stopped the car as it approached the 'Beacon Hills' Reserve' sign. "We need to walk from here. Please, stay by my side and-" I was about to get out of the car but Isaac grabbed my shoulder and swiveled me around to face him, "-I'm talking to you, Rae. No running off."

"Okay, okay. I heard you. Now let's go." As soon as Isaac lifted his hand from my shoulder I sprang out of the car and into the woods. Isaac and Sammy ran to catch up with me.

"You lost them?" I heard Derek's muffled voice.

"Yeah, I kind of had to," when I heard Scott's voice, clear as day, I ran from behind the trees and spotted Scott. He was talking to Derek on the phone as two little kids hid behind him.

"Wasn't exactly the plan," Derek said.

"I know, which is why I think that we should stick together. Trust me, he's too strong, too fast, and way too angry for one person to handle. We've got to do this together," Scott told him.

"Look, I'm at the trails by the entrance to the preserve. Can you meet me here?"

"Yeah. Just got to drop something off first," Scott hung up and he looked down at the kids. When Scott heard me walk closer, he jumped and his eyes widened. He looked behind me and said, "Isaac, why'd you bring Rae and Sammy?! It's too dangerous."

Isaac let out a sarcastic laugh. "Have you met them?!"

Scott just rolled his eyes and I pointed to the kids and asked, "Who are they?"

"They were catching fireflies in the woods. Boyd almost... got to them. Did you bring a car?"

I nodded.

"Let's drop them off and go meet Derek."

|| Teen Wolf ||

"Is it them?" Scott asked Derek, looking at the tracks in the mud.

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