S3x04.5 - Unleashed || Part Two

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"So where do you guys usually sit at lunch?" Liam asked as we-Liam, Mason, Corey, and I-walked to the cafeteria. Mason, Corey, and I all exchanged awkward looks with each other after hearing that question.

Seeing our expressions, Liam frowned. "What is it?"

"Uh, well, you see..." I hugged Teddy tightly as I started to feel a little uncomfortable.

"She doesn't sit with us," Mason finished.

"What? Why not?"

"She sits with her foster-siblings and their friends," Corey explained.


"But I can sit with you today," I offered quickly, but Liam shook his head.

"It's fine," Liam said, "Go sit with them. I wouldn't want to disrupt the order and balance of...lunch?"

I giggled at his attempt to hide his disappointment. "Thanks. I'll be sure to eat with you guys next time."

Liam brightened up and beamed at me. "I'll be holding you to that."

"It's a promise."

|| Teen Wolf ||

I was now sitting at my usual table with Scott and Rae, but Isaac, Stiles, and Sammy were missing. "Where's everyone else?" I asked.

"Well, Isaac's in lunch detention and Sammy and Stiles said that they're "looking into something"," Rae answered.

"Which sucks because I really wanted to see her today," Scott sighed.

Rae raised an eyebrow at him.

"For goodness sake, Rae!" Scott blushed. "I was going to apologize to her about what happened last night."

"What happened last night?" I asked.

"Sammy got mad at me because I wouldn't let her help us because I wanted to protect her," Scott explained.

"That sounds romantic," I smiled.

"No!" Scott protested. "Not romantic! I can't protect my friends?"

"Whatever you say, Scott," Rae laughed.

"So why's Isaac in detention?" I frowned, taking a bite of my sandwich.

"Well, remember those alpha twins we were talking about this morning?" Scott asked.

I nodded.

"One twin beat up the other twin and made it look like Isaac did it," Rae finished.

"That's so mean!" I exclaimed.

"I know right-" Scott suddenly looked up.

"What's wrong?" Rae asked.

"It's Isaac." Scott took off running out the doors and Rae and I ran after him, leaving our lunches behind. I could barely keep up with the other two because they had very long legs and I didn't. So when I finally caught up to them, I was panting as I watched Scott move a vending machine away from a door, reach inside, pull Isaac out and throw him to the floor. His scary werewolf face was on and Scott pinned him to the ground by his neck.

Isaac roared in Scott's face and Scott roared back, "Isaac!" Isaac instantly went quiet, his fangs retracted and his gold eyes faded back into the blue ones I knew.

Allison slowly came out of the closet, holding her arm. Scott gently took her arm and saw the deep scratches on it. "I'm okay. I'm fine," she insisted.

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