S1x02 - Second Chance at First Line || Part One

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"Samantha, can I see you for a minute?" Mr. Smith, my English teacher asked after class.

"Yeah, is anything wrong?" I asked him.

"Nothing is wrong. I just wanted to ask you if you would be willing to tutor people in English since you do so well in this class," he told me. I've always loved English. Writing is something I find comfort in.

"Of course! When does it start?" I asked.

"It starts tomorrow, after school. You will be tutoring Isaac Lahey," Mr. Smith answered. I knew Isaac, he was on the lacrosse team. He was really shy and didn't talk much, but he seemed nice.

|| Teen Wolf ||

During lunch, I was sitting with Lydia, Jackson, Danny, and the others, as usual. They were talking about the dance, but I wasn't paying much attention. I looked over to Scott and Stiles' table. They were talking, intently. Then I looked over at Rae, who was sitting by herself a couple tables over. She had her legs crossed on top of the bench, and was eating some cookies while reading a book. I wish I was like her. She didn't care what anyone thought of her. I, on the other hand, cared too much. I had to change my whole personality to fit in with these popular kids.

I looked a few more tables over and spotted the boy I was supposed to tutor; Isaac Lahey. He was also sitting all alone. I never really paid much attention to him, he was cute. Deciding to introduce myself, I told Lydia I'd be right back and headed for Isaac's table.

He looked startled when I approached him and I smiled, "Hi, I'm Sammy."

"I know," his face turned red, "I mean, I'm Isaac. I-what are you doing here? I mean- you're popular. Why are you talking to me? N-not that I don't want you to. It's just that- I'll shut up now."

Taking a seat next to him, I chuckled at his nervousness, "I'm your new English tutor."

"Oh. That makes sense."

"So, why don't you tell me what you need help with?"

"W-well, mostly poems. I can't ever understand what they're saying."

While I droned on and on about poems, I noticed Isaac gazing at something a few tables away. I turned to look at his line of vision, and saw that he was staring at Rae, who was still reading and eating her cookies. The matchmaker in me surfaced.

"You like Rae?"

He abruptly turned to look in any other direction, "What-no-I..."

"I'll be right back," I told him, getting up and heading towards Rae's table. I could so see them together. It'd be so cute. The bad girl and the good boy. Plus, he'd be way better for her than Derek, a supposed criminal.

I sat down opposite from Rae. She knew it was me without looking, "What do you want, Sam?" How did she always do that? She nibbled on a cookie and kept reading.

"Hey, what do you think of that boy?" I pointed to Isaac. He was watching us, but when Rae turned to look at him, he pretended to concentrate on his food. Rae turned back and slammed her book shut, in anger?

"Ha-ha. Very funny. You're a comedian," she got up and stormed away with her book.

"What?! But I-," she was already out of earshot. What was that girl's problem? I looked over at poor Isaac and he looked so embarrassed.

I walked over to him, but he got up and stormed away too, mumbling, "Just leave it."

I'm such an idiot. Why did I have to do that? He's going to hate me now.

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