S2x05 - Venomous || Part One

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Sammy and Stiles had just dropped me off to my classroom in a hurry and ran off, saying they needed to do something. And since I was seven minutes early, I decided to color in my coloring book until my teacher showed up.

I was halfway done coloring in the pretty flower design when I felt someone staring at me. I looked up to find Isaac watching me through the doorway with a hopeful look on his face. Memories of the last time I'd seen him went through my mind, and I squeezed my eyes shut.

When I opened them again, he was gone. Maybe I had imagined him.


"So now you're telling me that you didn't see Isaac and his father arguing before the murder?" Dad asked Jackson from the principal's office.

Before practice this morning, Stiles and I had overheard Jackson tell the principal that he needed to restate the statement he had given earlier. And by restate I mean completely change his whole statement. Now he was telling Dad that what happened with Isaac's father didn't actually happen. And telling by his fidgety manner, I knew Derek, Isaac, and the others had somehow put him up to this so that Isaac wouldn't be a fugitive anymore.

"Not exactly," Jackson responded.

"Not exactly - or no? Because when it comes to law, there's a fairly large divide between not exactly and no. Like, if "not exactly" were sitting in this chair, then "no" would be somewhere in the middle of the Pacific ocean, drowning next to my career. So what's it gonna be, huh? Not exactly or no?" Dad asked.

"No," Jackson responded curtly.

Realizing it was no use, we decided to run to class to tell Scott that Isaac was back.

While we were running, I decided I needed to talk to Isaac. Rae had tried, and now it was my turn. I had to at least try to talk some sense into him. I knew that he was a good guy at heart and I was determined to bring that out in him once again.

Stiles rushed into class and told Scott, "Dude, I've got really terrible, horrible, very, very bad news."

"Uh, Stiles?" I poked him and he looked up to see where I was looking. "I think he already knows."

Isaac was sitting a few desks in front of us and he was smirking. Very not Isaac-like at all. Or at least the Isaac I knew. It was time to make my move.

"I'm gonna try to talk to him."

"Are you sure that's such a bright idea?" Stiles asked. "He's been kind of a dick lately and I don't want you to get hurt."

"He's a good guy, Stiles," I told him. "At least deep down he is, I know it. He's just lost and confused."

"Sammy, maybe you're too nice. People will take advantage of that," Scott told me.

I rolled my eyes and turned to walk towards Isaac. I hesitantly took the seat next to him and plan out what I'm going to say.

"Hello, Sammy," he smiled. But it wasn't one of his usual warm, gentle smiles. It was a psychotic one. "How have you been?"

"I-I actually wanted to talk to you about everything that's been going on," I stuttered.

"Nah. How about you tell me why you broke up with me instead? I'm more interested in that," His tone was casual, but his eyes held icy fury.

"Y-You should know I feel really bad about that," I told him.

"Then at least tell me why."

"I think you know the reason, Isaac," I told him, instantly thinking of how he looked at Rae at the formal. "It was for the best!"

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