S1x04.5 - Magic Bullet || Part Two

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"Well, what am I supposed to do with him?" Stiles asked Scott on his phone.

While he was on the phone, I turned to Derek, "How you holding up?"

"Peachy," he snapped.

"Look, you're gonna be fine. Ok?" I reassured him.

He looked at me. "And you know this because?"

"Because I'm Raegan and I know all, duh."

He snorted lightly, and Sammy said from the backseat, "You're so modest, Rae."

"Does it hurt?" I asked, ignoring her.

"Not as much, but it's affecting my whole body."

"I wanted to be the only one to affect your body..." I jokingly muttered, inaudibly.

Derek's head shot towards me. Why was he looking at me like that? Oh dude, he's a wolf, which means he can hear me! Shit...

Right when I was going to come up with some excuse for what I said, Derek leaned closer to me and I stopped breathing. "You know, if you didn't irritate me on a daily basis, I might've let you."

Am I dreaming? Did he really just say that? Someone pinch me! Ow! Ok, I just did and I'm awake.

I was at a loss for words, then Derek smirked and I practically lost it.

"I finally got you to shut up, wow."

My thoughts were interrupted when Sammy's stupid Ed Sheeran music started playing in the back.

"I'm going to pick up the pieces and build a Lego House. When things go wrong we can knock it down. My three words have two meanings, but it's all for you-" she sang.

"Sam, do me a favor, and SHUT THE HELL UP!" I yelled.

"Why can't a girl just listen to some good music?!" she scoffed. "I need it to drown out you two's flirting!"

"Samantha....If you keep on playing that song, I'm going to rip your throat out with my teeth." Derek glared. Sammy immediately stopped playing the song and sat quietly to herself. God, why are Stilinski's so annoying?

Before I could regain myself, Stiles handed the phone to Derek. "You're not gonna believe where he wants us to take you."

He talked to Scott, "Did you find it?... Look, if you don't find it, then I'm dead, alright?... Then think about this: the alpha calls you out against your will and he's going to do it again. Next time you either kill with him or you get killed, so if you want to stay alive then you need me. Find the bullet."

Before he hung up, I shouted, "Be careful, lil bro!"

"Irritating," Derek mumbled.

Ah, he knows he loves me and wants to do me.


Stiles tried unlocking the door to the vet's office, where Scott worked, as Rae and I tried to hold Derek up. And he wasn't exactly the lightest.

"Hurry up, Stiles," I said, pushing Derek up.

"Trying, Sammy, trying," he said as he dropped the key. Again.

"Failing, Stiles, failing."

"Shut up, I can't focus!"

"It's a hole, Stiles! Just stick it in!" Rae yelled. That sounded... "How do you expect to get Lydia?" Ah, there it was. Rae could never help herself.

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