S2x03 - Ice Pick || Part One

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I was watching Scott and Allison race each other up the rock climbing wall and was thinking about what had happened this morning.

We were catching each other up on what had happened the night before - something that had become a tradition of sorts - and Rae had talked about Isaac and Adeline's abuse.

I was so glad they had found out about it on their own and that I didn't have to tell them. I did feel guilty about not telling them though.

"I'm just praying that Coach doesn't call me up next," I said.

"Sam, it's not that bad," Rae laughed. "It's just rock climbing!"

"Just rock climbing?!" I yelled. "Look at me! I'm a Stilinski! We're clumsy and we have no coordination whatsoever!"

"Stop being dramatic," Rae rolled her eyes.

"For the millionth time, I am not dramatic!" I scowled. "Dramatic would be marching out of this gym while crying about how unfair the school system is and how they make kids have mental breakdowns and make people anxious!"

"Sorry," Rae laughed. "You're so cute, I can't take you seriously when you're mad!"

"For goodness sake!" I groaned. "People 5'3 and under can get angry!"

"Whatever you say," Rae laughed.

I seriously hate her humor sometimes. I could pull out a knife and say that I would kill her and she would still laugh. These are the daily struggles of being short.

"You don't get it, you're 5'7," I said.

"Hey, being tall is hard, too. I'm a giant. I'm taller than a lot of guys," she defended.

"Yeah, but tall people are pretty. Short people are "cute"," I said, making a face.

"Alright, next two. Stilinski and-" Coach yelled out, but Stiles and I cut him off.

"Which one?" I asked.

"The annoying one," Coach replied.

Stiles and I just looked at each other, not sure who he was talking about. We were both annoying.

"I mean Stiles!" Coach sighed. "I also need Erica."

Stiles was already making his way up the wall, but Erica was only about a quarter of the way. Stiles came down and was gloating about how fast he was when Erica began hyperventilating.

"Oh, please!" Erica whimpered.

"Erica!" Coach yelled, walking towards her. "Dizzy? Is it vertigo?" he asked us.

I rolled my eyes. He clearly did not know the meaning of any of those words. It makes me wonder how he became a teacher.

"Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear. She's just freaking out," Lydia informed him.

I gave her a knowing smile and she rolled her eyes.

"Erica!" Coach yelled.

"I'm fine," Erica whimpered.

She clearly was not fine and Coach clearly wasn't realizing it because he is an idiot.

"Coach this isn't safe for her!" I said. "She's epileptic!"

"Why doesn't anybody tell me this stuff? I have to get - Erica, y - you're fine. Just - Just kick off from the wall. Th - There's a mat to catch you," he said.

Erica kicked off the fall and finally landed on the ground.

|| Teen Wolf ||

After I changed out of my P.E. uniform, I was heading to my next class with Rae. We were passing the dark gym when I saw Erica fall off the wall only for Scott to catch her.

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