S1x02.5 - Second Chance at First Line || Part Two

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I was outvoted. Stiles, Scott, and Sam wanted to tell Stilinski to arrest Derek. I wanted to simply ask Derek if he killed the girl. But they gave me looks of incredulity and asked if I've ever watched a murder mystery in my life. So, here we were, leaning on Stiles' Jeep, watching Stilinski put the handcuffs on Derek. He glared at us before Stilinski guided him to the backseat of the cruiser. After dad closed the door, he left for a moment.

"Let's go. I need you for moral support," Stiles said, grabbing my arm.

"What?!" I asked. I looked behind me for help, but Sam and Scott were talking, not even noticing that we left. Stiles dragged me to the front of the cruiser, and we quietly got in.

"Okay, just so you know, I'm not scared of you," Stiles told Derek, earning a glare. "Alright, so maybe I am. Doesn't matter. I just want to know something. That girl you killed, she was a werewolf. She was a different kind, wasn't she? I mean she could turn herself into an actual wolf, and I know Scott can't do that. Is that why you killed her?"

"Why are you worried about me, when it's your friend who's the problem? When he shifts on the field, what do you think they'll do? Keep cheering him on? I can't stop him from playing, but you two can," Derek leaned forward and whispered somewhat roughly, "And trust me, you'll want to." Before Stiles could respond to his threat, he got roughly dragged out of the car by his dad.

"Did you really kill her?" I asked, looking into his sea green eyes for any sign of guilt.

"No. I really didn't. I swear," he said, in a gentler voice.

"I'm sorry, they can be such dumbasses sometimes," I apologized.

"I'm sorry you have to live with him," he said. I shrugged.

"Bye, Derek," I said, when Stilinski realized I was in here, too.

"I'll be seeing you soon Raegan," he promised. Then Stilinski hauled the door open, reaching to drag me out.

I put my hands up in surrender, "I'm coming, I'm coming."

"So did you get anything out of him?" Stiles asked.

"Huh? Oh, no," I said.

"That stinks. So I stalled for no reason. Anything else you guys talk about?" I looked back and saw Derek staring at me.

I turned back, "He didn't kill her."

But before he could argue, Sheriff Stilinski said, "Okay, can you tell me exactly how you came across this? And what are you doing here, Raegan? You normally don't accompany Scott and my son on their "adventures"."

"We have a perfect explanation," Stiles said, looking at me for help. I nodded.

"Do you now?" Stilinski asked, with amusement in his voice, looking from Stiles to me.

"We were looking for Scott's inhaler," I came up with, on the spot.

"Which he dropped when?" Oh. Shit.

"The other night," Stiles answered. Dammit, Stiles...

"The other night when you were looking for the other half of the body?"

"Yes," Stiles said, the same time I said, "No."

"The night you told me Scott was home?"

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