S2x03.5 - Ice Pick || Part Two

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Rae, Sammy, and I were hanging out together because Scott and Stiles were going on a double date with Allison and Lydia to the ice-skating rink.

In the last couple of days, since I first started living with the McCalls, I had learned who these people were and managed to get a little out of my shell--but only with Sammy, Scott, Rae, and Ms. McCall.

Stiles was Sammy's dorky, sarcastic twin brother. He didn't talk to me much, though.

Allison was Scott's girlfriend. But they were pretending they weren't dating for some reason. It confused me.

And Lydia was Allison and Sammy's best friend. I didn't really like her because she treated me like I was a baby.

From what I've silently observed, it seemed that their group was the most popular group in the school. Although I didn't think they were aware of it. In fact, Rae was always making fun of popular people.

I was really starting to like everyone. Especially Rae, Scott, and Sammy. Scott was like my second brother; he was very sweet and protective. Rae was like a cooler, older sister. And Sammy was so gentle and nice to me. I really appreciated them.

"Okay, you guys want chicken nuggets and fries or pasta?" Rae asked from the kitchen.

"Chicken nuggets," I said, coloring in my new coloring book that Ms. McCall bought me.

"I'll have chicken nuggets, too," Sammy said from next to me on the couch.

"I was hoping you guys would say that because we don't have pasta," Rae poked her head out from the kitchen and gave us a cheeky grin.

"Then why did you ask us if we wanted pasta?" Sammy laughed.

"Because you feel less constricted if you have a choice."

"True," Sammy shrugged.

After Rae popped the nuggets in, she came to sit with us on the couch.

"So, you guys want to play Need for Speed?" Rae asked.

Sammy groaned. "No video games. Let's watch a movie instead!"

I looked up from my coloring book."Can we watch a Barbie movie?" I asked hopefully, making my best puppy-dog face.

"No," Rae said the same time Sammy said, "Of course!"

|| Teen Wolf ||

Every time a song came on in The Princess and The Pauper, Sammy would belt out the lyrics, and Rae would plug her ears and make a funny face causing me to giggle.

Throughout the movie, Rae pretended to be on her phone, but I saw her secretly watching. And when she caught me watching her, she would smile sheepishly and go back to her phone.

Sammy, on the other hand, was probably enjoying the movie more than I was, seeing as her eyes stayed glued to the screen.

I looked at them both. They were such opposites. Light and dark. Chocolate and vanilla. Yin and yang. Yet they were best friends. And my sisters. I was really starting to love them.


I looked around my lunch table.

Stiles was absent, Adeline was slowly eating her food in silence, Rae had finished eating and was now reading a book, and Scott looked glum, silently picking at his food.

"What's wrong, Scott?" I asked and noticed Rae look up from her book.

He dropped his fork. "Today in the hall I confronted Erica and she put her arms around me. Allison saw it and I'm worried she took it out of context."

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