S2x06.5 - Frenemy || Part Two

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Stiles' 'idea' involved stealing a prison transport vehicle and keeping Jackson locked up in the woods until he came to his senses.

The sun had gone up and we were talking by a tree when we heard Jackson yell, "Stiles! McCall! I'm going to kill you!"

"Well, looks like Sleeping Beauty has arisen," I mumbled.

"I still think this is a terrible plan! My gut is telling me something bad is gonna happen. Why didn't you guys think this through?!" Sammy shouted.

"Okay, Sammy. Do you have any other ideas? Because I'm getting really tired of your bitching," I snapped. "You think we're just doing this for fun? Fuck, no! We're doing this so more people won't die, do you understand that?!"

"You don't think I want to save people?!" she yelled back. "There are other ways to do things! This is not the right way and I'm getting a bad feeling about this plan! Why don't you get it?!"

"I'm still not hearing any ideas," I sung.

"It's too late to come up with another plan now, isn't it?!" she yelled. "You have to think about all the possibilities and the outcomes before you kidnap him! It's common sense!"

"Well, at least we're actually trying to do something here. You're still just bitching!"

She didn't say anything.

"That's what I thought," I crossed my arms.

"Alrighty, then," Scott smiled, trying to relieve the tension. "We should get to school. Stiles, Rae, you two watch Jackson."

"Fine by me!" Sammy stormed off toward the Jeep, angrily wiping at her eyes.

"Rae..." Scott sighed.

"I didn't mean to snap at her!" I said, instantly feeling bad.

"I mean, I agree with you, but you could've been a tad bit nicer about the whole ordeal," Scott shook his head before running after her.

I sighed.

"Don't worry, Rae," Stiles said. "She's stubborn and just tired and stressed out about the entire situation. She's just looking out for you, for us, because she doesn't want us to get in trouble. She'll get over it soon enough. I'll just go and drop them off, you wait here and watch Jackson."

I nodded and then they got into the Jeep and took off.


Scott comforted me in the car by telling me funny jokes and distracting me with memories from when we were kids. But he eventually fell asleep since we all had pulled an all-nighter last night from protecting Lydia from Derek's pack, then finding out Jackson was the kanima and chasing him to that nightclub and kidnapping him.

As Stiles drove, I thought about what had happened. I know that I went about the whole situation with Rae wrong, but I just couldn't help but get a terrible feeling in my gut. Knowing Jackson, he was going to tell his rich parents. And his dad was the best lawyer in town and I knew how powerful he was. I was so worried about what they was going to do to my friends, that I took my frustrations out on Rae.

I shut my eyes closed as I was reliving terrible memories from last year. I dug my nails into my palms to make the memories go away; I wanted to forget them for a reason.

|| Teen Wolf ||

Once we arrived to class, there were security cameras placed in every corner of the room. I pressed my books closer to my chest, feeling uncomfortable.

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