S3x07 - Currents || Part One

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"Okay, what's going on with you, Scott?" I turned around in the passenger seat to face Scott, having had enough.

He turned to give me a questioning glance before focusing back on the road. The four of us, including Isaac and Addie, were on our way to deliver some food to Mama McCall at the hospital.

"What do you mean?" Scott frowned, stopping at the red light.

I put my hand on his shoulder, giving him a sympathetic look. "You've been really quiet ever since the motel. Are you sure you're okay? You know you can talk to us—all of us," I motioned to Isaac and Addie in the backseat, "We're your family." I had thought that the depressed thoughts he had back at the motel were purely the effects of the mistletoe, but he had been acting uncharacteristically reserved the past couple of days.

"Yeah, Scott!" Addie agreed.

Isaac patted Scott from behind, "We've always got your back."

Scott gave us all a warm smile—the first smile in a while—and started driving again once the light turned green. "I'm okay, guys. Thanks for caring. It's just..." Scott glanced at Isaac through the rearview mirror. "Hey, Isaac... You know how you dated Sammy last year?"

"Yeah...?" Isaac asked.

"W-well, I was just, um, you know, wondering..." Scott trailed off.

"No, Scott. I don't have feelings for her anymore," Isaac smiled, understanding what Scott was getting at.

"Okay, good," Scott let out a breath. "I didn't want things to be awkward."

"Scott!" I hit his shoulder, grinning. "Have you finally realized your feelings for her?" I shoved a finger towards Isaac. "I told you, Isaac! I told you he had feelings for Sammy! You really think I don't know my own brother like the back of my hand? You so owe me twenty bucks!"

Isaac rolled his eyes.

"No way!" Addie shrieked, almost bursting my eardrums. "You like Sammy?!"

Scott winced and groaned, "You guys bet on it?"

"Of course," I scoffed. "When people doubt me, they should put their money where their mouth is."

Scott's face then turned glum. "Did you bet on her liking me back then? Because in that case, you lost badly."

"That's impossible," I shook my head. "I could've sworn she liked you. Especially since you two have been spending so much time together lately, you know, laughing and watching those cheesy shows all the time."

"I thought we were having a moment—you know, after everything with the motel—but apparently I read the room wrong. I leaned in but she totally swerved me," Scott sighed.

"That's... That's really weird," I frowned.

"Haha," Isaac laughed from the backseat. "Now we've both been rejected by Sammy." Seeing the glares he gets from Addie and I, he sinks lower in his seat. "Too soon..."

"This whole thing just sucks!" Scott exclaimed, ignoring Isaac. "I had a huge crush on her in middle school, and I started to fall for her again during the summer because she always knew how to cheer me up and everything. I thought she felt the same way, but I don't know anymore..."

"I just really don't understand why—whoa, whoa, whoa, what the hell?" I cut my sentence off when we arrive at the hospital and see lots of flashing red lights.

"That's a lot of ambulances," Addie states, peering out her window.

What the hell happened?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2020 ⏰

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