S1x04 - Magic Bullet || Part One

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"If Derek isn't the Alpha and he's not the one that bit you, then who did?"

We were in Math, pondering this question. Last night, Rae was right, Scott had 'battled' Derek. They had fought, until Derek revealed some information. Again, Rae was right; Derek hadn't killed the bus driver. Or his sister. He told Scott that an alpha, the most dangerous of their kind, had bit him. And that they were called betas. Derek's sister had come here looking for the alpha, but got killed trying. Now he's looking for it, and he needs Scott's help.

|| Teen Wolf ||

After Allison, Lydia, and I had gotten out of History class, we saw Rae coming out of English, a few doors down.

"Hey, Rae!" Allison called out.

Rae turned to look at us, and she had mixed emotions on her face. "Hey Allie, Sam... Lydia."

"Hi," I said, the same time Lydia said, "Hey."

"So," Allison turned to Rae, "how are you getting home, since Scott is coming over after school to study?"

"Oh, Stiles is taking me home, while you and Scott," she made quotations with her fingers, "'study'."

She blushed, "We are studying!"

Rae raised her hands in defense. "Oh no, I believe you. What are you studying? Human anatomy?"

I burst out laughing and Allison blushed.

"I completely agree with Rae. 'Just studying' never ends with 'just studying'. It's like getting into a hot tub until he eventually cops a feel," Lydia said.

"I hear that," Rae laughed.

What?! Did she just like agree with Lydia? Hell must've frozen over, because they're getting along!

Rae must have been thinking the same thing because she wiped the smile off her face, and glared at my face-splitting grin.

"Wait," Allison turned to Lydia, "So what are you saying?"

"I'm just saying, you know, make sure he covers up."

Allison looked confused. Wow, she's as slow as Scott. They're perfect for each other.

Lydia chuckled then nudged Allison. "Hello Snow White, I'm talking about a condom."

She looked at a loss for words.

I laughed at her reaction and said, "Yeah Al, unless you want a bun in the oven. Oh, be sure to name it after me."

Allison finally gained control of her mouth. "Are you guys kidding? After one date?"

Lydia scoffed, "Don't be a total prude. Give him a little taste."

"Okay, well, I am highly uncomfortable. So, I'm just gonna go," Rae said, preparing to turn into the next hallway.

"I'll go with you," I offered. Then we left Lydia and Allison, who were so engrossed in their sex discussion, they didn't even notice us leave.

As we were talking, I realized that this was the first time Rae and I had been alone in a long time.

"So... I've been meaning to ask, do you still watch The Vampire Diaries?" I awkwardly try to make conversation.

"Of course I do! Do you still ship Stelena?"

"Forever and always! Do you still ship Delena?"

"Yes! And Klaroline! Klaus is so romantic," she sighed, dreamily.

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