S1x05 - The Tell || Part One

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"Why don't you go over the details one more time?"

"I've already gone over it a gazillion and one times! What do you want me to say?! After six years, do you just expect the story to change suddenly or something?"

"No, Miss McCall. I'm just trying to help you."

"Fine! I'll say it for the gazillion and second time!"

I laid down in the dumb chair, like they do in the movies. I looked around the room. It was exactly the same as the last time I saw it. The neatness and forced homeyness; it was comfortably uncomfortable.

I relaxed and took a breath, then started, "It was a Monday afternoon, six years ago. I got off the bus and walked home. When I got home, I realized I had forgotten my house key in the house that morning. My parents were at work, and wouldn't be back for at least a couple of hours, and my little brother was at his friend's house. I did what my parents had told me to do in this situation, I-I went to the neighbors house."

I pinched myself for stuttering, which she noticed, and continued, "We all thought they were a nice family. There was the mom, ...the dad, and two sons. They were the cutest toddlers... That day, the mom had taken the kids to the pool, since it was almost Labor Day, and the pools would be closing soon. But I didn't know that then.

I knocked on the door, and the dad had answered. I told him that nobody was at my house, and I had forgotten my key. I asked if I could borrow his phone. He told me to come in, that he had cookies. But he didn't have any cookies. He-he-" I choked up.

"It's okay, it's okay. Take a breather, take a breath," Dr. Railey told me.

After a moment, she asked, "Why didn't you tell anyone about the rape?"

"Because... at the time, it seemed like the best choice. Mom and Dad were constantly fighting. I didn't want them for fight more because of me. That neighbor was my Dad's best friend. I knew my mom would blame my dad for trusting him. I just... didn't want to cause any trouble between them. But Dad left anyway, a month later," I said, bitterly. "Then I told my mom that I was raped. And the neighbors had moved a few months later too, so I didn't think it was important to tell her who did it. I said it was someone I didn't know. She still doesn't know."

"Don't you want to see your rapist go to prison for what he did?" she asked, pushing her blonde bangs away from her forehead.

"No. I don't know... I just don't think it's worth it. I'm gonna have to see him again, and relive everything, just for him to go to jail for like a couple years. It's not fair. He should go to prison for life!"

She nods, calmly.

"Plus," I added, "My dad would come back if he heard about it. And I never want to see him again."

"Do you still do kickboxing?" she asks, changing the topic.

"Yup! I'm getting really good at it, actually. Like, expert-good. It was just supposed to be an outlet for the PTSD. But I'm thinking of making a career out of it."

"That's good to hear," she writes some stuff down, and continues, "Speaking of outlets, are you still as sexually active as you were the last time I saw you?"

"Yes," I snorted.

"Making any friends?"

"No, and I don't want to," I snapped.

She writes it down, "Okay... What about the nightmares?"

"Th-the nightmares?"

She nods, patiently.

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