3x01.5 - Tattoo || Part Two

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"Why didn't you tell us before?" Scott demanded as the three of us walked through the hospital entrance.

Mom had explained to us on the way here that Isaac had been admitted to the hospital this morning from an attack. We were here to rescue him before anyone noticed he had miraculously healed.

"Honestly, I was hoping I didn't have to," Mom replied.

"What do you mean?"

"Everything that you've been doing... the extra reading, the summer school, saving up for the bike, even though it scares me half to death... Honey, I just didn't wanna disrupt a good rhythm."

"It's not gonna stop. I-I'm gonna be better this year. A better student, a better son, a better friend, a better everything. I promise."

"Ditto," I agreed, smiling.

"Okay," Mom looked towards the elevator. "He's in room 315 if he isn't already in surgery."

"Thank you," Scott said as he and I hurried for the elevator.

I pressed the button for the third floor and the doors were about to close when a stick poked through, opening the doors back up.

It was the walking stick of a blind guy. He was about thirty-ish and was wearing glasses with red lenses. I tried not to stare. Even though he was blind, I still felt it was rude.

"Would you hit the button for the second floor, please?" he asked in a British accent.

"Yeah," I said, and hit the button.

"Thank you," he said. And when we reached his floor, he asked, "You wouldn't mind helping me out for a second, would you?"

"Um... sure," Scott said, reluctantly. We really didn't have time for this. But, of course, Scott was ever polite. He gave me a look and I nodded. While Scott helped the blind guy out of the elevator, I stayed and went to the third floor.

I was running down the hallways, looking for 315, when Scott joined me. When we saw that 315 was empty, we kept looking around the floor.

We had circled back to the elevator, when we saw Isaac in it. He was unconscious, in a wheelchair, with a buff, nearly bald nurse behind him.

Scott and I noticed the nurse's claws at the same time.

Scott got his werewolf face on and growled. Both of us lunged towards the elevator doors, but Scott was much faster and got into the elevator at the last second. I almost ran into the closed doors. Frustrated, I cursed and hit the elevator door. Then I found the stairs and went down them two at a time. When I reached the elevator on the second floor, I ran smack into Derek. He quickly righted me, so I wouldn't fall.

We both turned when the elevator doors opened and saw that the "nurse" was holding Scott up by his throat. He said, "Don't you realize what you're dealing with? I'm an Alpha."

"So am I," Derek said, jamming his claws into the the Alpha's back and tossing him out of the elevator. Derek turned to look at us and said, "Aren't you supposed to be in school?"


Once everything calmed down, I slowly stood up and observed the mess of a classroom. There were black feathers and paper all cluttered around the disheveled desks. Lydia and Stiles got up a few seconds after me. I winced at Lydia's knotted up hair that she probably spent hours on perfecting this morning. In front of me, I saw Allie run her hand through her hair.

"You're bleeding!" Stiles exclaimed, pointing to my arm.

"It's fine," I said. "I can wait for it to get fixed once help comes."

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