S3x02.5 - Chaos Rising || Part Two

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After class, I met up with Stiles, Sammy, and Scott in the hallway and they caught me up on everything.

"Stiles almost got laid?!" my eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets.

"Yeah, but that's not the p-" Stiles did a double-take. "Why is it so hard to believe I almost got laid?"

"So you think they kidnapped Heather to turn her?" Sammy changed the subject.

"Derek says it's easier to turn teenagers," Stiles offered, giving me a parting glare.

"But what would a pack of alphas need with a beta?" Scott asked.

"Scott, I don't know. I don't care. All right? This girl... Our moms were best friends before mine died, all right? We used to take frickin' bubble baths together when we were three. I gotta find her."

"Then we need Isaac to remember."

"How?" I asked. "Peter and Derek couldn't do it. You know any other werewolves with a better trick?"

"Maybe not a werewolf," Scott said slowly. "But someone who knows a lot about 'em. "

|| Teen Wolf ||

"Obviously, it's not going to be particularly... comfortable," Deaton said as Derek, Stiles, and Scott were putting loads of ice in the metal tub filled nearly to the brim with water. "But if we can slow your heart rate down enough, you'll slip into a trance-like state."

"Like being hypnotized," Isaac said.

"Exactly," Deaton nodded. "You'll be half transformed. It'll let us access your subconscious mind."

"How slow does his heart rate need to be?" Scott asked, finishing up with the ice.

"Very slow."

"Okay, well, how slow is very slow?" Derek frowned.

"Nearly dead."

I didn't like this.

Isaac put his hand in the water and immediately pulled it back out, wincing. "It's safe, though, right?"

"Do you want me to answer honestly?" Deaton asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No. No, not really."

I definitely didn't like this. It was a good thing Addie wasn't here. I don't know if she could handle seeing him like this.

In the tense moment we heard a loud snap. Six heads turned to look at Stiles, who had put on a rubber glove and was smiling.

"What?" he asked. When no one answered, he sighed and dramatically pulled the glove off.

Derek turned to look back at Isaac. "Look, if it feels too risky, you don't have to do this."

The rest of us nodded in agreement.

But Isaac only sighed as he pulled his gray t-shirt over his head, revealing a broad, pale torso. He climbed into the tub and lowered himself down, already shivering.

Scott and Derek counted to three, then dunked him under the water. Isaac was still for a minute, then he began thrashing around and flew up from the water. His eyes were yellow and he was roaring.

"Get him back under! Hold him!" Deaton shouted.

"We're trying!" Derek struggled.

All of us pushed him back under the water and held him there. He suddenly stopped thrashing and I felt my heart stop. Was he dead? Did I just help murder my own best friend? I felt faint.

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