S1x07.5 - Night School || Part Two

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The alpha growled at me.

And you know what I did?

I fucking charged right at him.

I have no idea how a trembling little girl turned into a badass in a split second, but thank god she finally did.

I startled the monster of a wolf, so I got a good kick in, erupting a whimper from him.

But then, I got shoved to the ground, onto my stomach. And two very human hands pinned me down.

"Very impressive, Raegan. Seems that I've bit the wrong McCall sibling," his deep voice said, next to my ear.

"Screw you!" I screamed, trying to get out of his hold, but it was no use. I tried turning around to face him, but he had an iron-like grip on my wrists. "Let me go!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"You know who I am. You can't see me."

"What? I know you? I don't recognize your voice."

"All in good time, Raegan. All in good time..."

"Well, if you're not going to let me go, then kill me. C'mon, hurry up and get it over with."

He chuckled, "Now, why would I want to do that?"

"Then what the hell do you want from me?!" I yelled.

"I need you to send a message for me. Tell Scott, "Kill them"."

"Kill who? Us? Scott would never kill us!"

He gave that horrid chuckle again. "Hate to cut the chit-chat, but I've got to run. After all, your brother and Stiles are about, and not to mention his friends."

"Friends? You mean friend?" He must be talking about Sammy.

"Nope," he gave a maniacal laugh. "I mean friends. What were their names? Jackson, Lydia, Allison?"

"No," I whispered. They were pains in the ass, but they didn't deserve to die.

"Yes," he laughed again. "I'll be around, Raegan," he said. Then I felt him let go of my arms. I whipped around, but he had disappeared.


We had been running for our lives, because the alpha was right behind us.

We had finally lost him, when Scott stopped our running. I almost collapsed, but Scott righted me up.

I smiled at him in thank you.

"Do you guys hear that?" he asked.

"Hear what?" Stiles huffed.

"It sounds like a phone ringing."

"What?" I asked, biting my fingernails. It was a nervous habit.

"I know that ring! It's Allison's phone!" Scott said with big, frightful eyes.

"What?!" I yelled. "What's Allison doing here?!" She couldn't be here, she'll get hurt!

"Stiles, give me your phone!"

He fumbled around in his pocket for his phone, then handed it to Scott.

He dialed Allison's number quick.

She answered on the first ring.

"No, it's me, where are you?... Where are you right now?... Where? Where are you exactly?... Get to the lobby. Go now." He hung up.

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