S2x08 - Raving || Part One

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A/N: Woohoo! As of July 29, I'm finally 16! - Mod A


Scott and I followed Jackson to a secret alleyway where they were selling tickets to the rave tomorrow night. We were watching from behind a corner as Jackson walked up to Matt, said some things, then cut in front of him.

Scott ran up to Matt and I followed.

"Matt," Scott called and Matt turned around.


"How much are tickets?"

"Seventy-five," Matt answered.

"Can I borrow some money?"

"Yeah, how much?"


"Make that one-hundred fifty," I grinned.

That's right. I can math, bitches.

Matt looked at us as if we were deranged and turned around.

Scott and I moved to the back of the line and watched as it was Jackson's turn to buy a ticket. The lady took the money from him, looking freaked out. Which was weird because it didn't seem like he was saying anything.

She quickly gave him the ticket and shut the door.

Weird, indeed.

"We gotta find some way to get tickets to that rave tomorrow if Jackson's going. We need to find out who the master is," Scott murmured and I nodded.

We watched as Jackson then turned around and walked straight past us. Looks like he had gone kanima-mode because he had a scary, blank look on his face.

We followed him back to his house. And when we were sure he wasn't going to get himself into any trouble, we headed to Deaton's.


"Stiles. Sammy. What the hell is this?" Dad asked, after biting into his burger.

"It's a veggie burger," Stiles shrugged.

"I asked for a hamburger," Dad groaned.

"Well, veggie is healthier. We're being healthy," I said, taking a sip from my kale juice. I tried my best to hide my sour face because it was the nastiest thing on earth. "See? Eating healthy is so tasty. Yum."

Let me tell you one thing about us Stilinskis, eating healthy is not in our vocabulary. In fact, the only reason why we put fruit on the table during dinner is to convince ourselves that we were healthy human beings. I'd much rather eat chicken nuggets.

"Oh, hell, why are you trying to ruin my life?"

"We're trying to extend your life, okay?" I said. "Just eat it."

"Yeah, and tell us what you found," Stiles said. Dad stopped eating and looked at us.

"I'm not sharing confidential police work with teenagers," Dad proclaimed. We just looked at him.

"Is that it on the board behind you?" I asked, pointing to the board.

"You know what, Sammy?" Stiles gave me his mischievous grin. "I think that's exactly it."

"You two!" Dad scolded. "Don't look at that."

"I see arrows pointing at pictures," Stiles said, trying to get a better look of the board.

"You guys are never going to stop, are you?"

Stiles and I just smiled at him.

"Fine," Dad groaned. "I found something. The mechanic and the couple all had something in common."

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