S2x04.5 - Abomination || Part Two

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"I knew I should have brought a warmer jacket," Sammy and I heard Allison say from under the bleachers.

"You're cold, here take my coat," Allison's grandpa started taking off his coat, just like we planned.

"Are you sure?"

"Oh, yeah," he gave Allison the coat and she shrugged it on. Sammy took that as her cue to move, while I stayed under the bleachers.

"Thanks," Allison said as she discreetly held out the keys for Sammy to take.

She snatched them and was about to bolt when Allison's grandpa said, "Samantha Stilinski, is that you?"

Her face went pale but she calmly greeted, "Oh, hey guys!"

"Come, watch the game with us. You're one of Allison's best friends, aren't you?"

"Yes, but I-"

"You will come sit with us, I insist," he said in a scary tone.

Sammy gave him a polite smile while handing me the keys through the bleachers. "Of course."

She went to go join them and I took off running from the bleachers to where Rae was waiting.

"Where's Sammy?" she asked.

"Allison's grandpa told her to sit with them, so she gave me the keys," I gave a big smile, proud to be of use.

She smiled back, "Gotcha. Thanks, Addie!"

She was about to turn when I frowned, "Addie? Only my brother calls me that."

A worried look came over her face. "Oh, yeah. I heard Isaac call you it today, and I liked it. Is it okay if I call you that?"

"Yeah... I was just surprised to hear that name in so long," I smiled.

She frowned and looked like she was about to say something when Stiles ran up behind her and asked, "What's taking so long? Let's go!"

She nodded and they started running towards the school. When I saw their figures disappear behind the school, I walked back to the bleachers. I saw that Sammy was still sitting with Allison and her grandpa, so I went to take a seat next to Ms. McCall.

"Hey sweetie, where've you been?" she asked me.

I smiled innocently at her. "Nowhere."

She gave me one of her all-knowing looks and grumbled, "Mmm hmm. I see Scott and Rae are already influencing you."

I was about to respond when a hurt player was carried in front of us. He groaned, "Ahh, I can't feel my legs!"

Ms. McCall winced and someone from the other side of her asked, "He belong to you?"

We turned to see one of the lacrosse players, but he was holding a camera.

"No, mine is still on the field," Ms. McCall answered. "While I'm here really wishing that he would've stuck with tennis!"

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