S2x07 - Restraint || Part One

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I woke up to Rae shaking me to get up. I must've fallen asleep while I was doing homework. One thing you should know about me is that I love sleeping and I absolutely hate it when someone disturbs that.

I threw a pillow at her.

"Seriously," Rae said. "Sammy, get up!"

"What time is it?" I groaned.

"It's midnight. Something happened with Scott and Stiles. My mom said that we have to get to the police station. She's livid," she said.

"What did they get themselves into this time?" I rolled my eyes.

"Don't know, but we have to go."

"Fine," I sighed. "What about Adeline?"

"She's already awake and downstairs waiting," she said. "Let's go."

I groaned. So much for sleeping.

|| Teen Wolf ||

When I got there, I saw my dad looking disappointed.

Oh god, something bad must've happened.

"Rae," he said. "We were waiting for you."

"What for?" Rae asked, panic etched into her voice.

"Have you met Mr. David Whittemore?" He nodded his head to the man sitting near the window, "Esquire."

"That means lawyer," Jackson smirked from the couch.

|| Teen Wolf ||

"You will not go within fifty feet of Jackson Whittemore. You will not speak to him. You will not approach him. You will not assault or harass him physically or psychologically," my dad read from the clipboard.

I rolled my eyes. It was a bit hypocritical because Jackson was the biggest bully in school and he was acting like he was the victim. I knew this would happen. I looked to Rae, Scott, and Stiles. Rae looked like she was about to beat Jackson up. Scott looked panicked and was twisting his fingers (it was something he's done since he was little) and Stiles was looking around the holding cell. Rae raised her hand.

"Yes, Rae," my dad called, exasperated.

"What about school?" she asked.

"You can attend classes while attempting to maintain a fifty-foot distance," he answered.

"Bu - okay, what if we both have to use the bathroom at the same time and there's only two stalls available and they're only right next to each other?" Stiles asked. All the adults in the room glared at him.

Rae pointed to him, "He's got a point."

Scott and I turned to Stiles and gave him a look of disbelief. I punched him in the shoulder.

"I'll hold it," Stiles mumbled, rubbing his shoulder.

Dad dismissed everyone and took Stiles by the arm, dragging him across the room and I went after them.

"Do I need to remind you how lucky we are that they're not pressing charges?" he hissed.

"Oh, come on, it was just a joke," Stiles exclaimed.

"A joke?"

"Yes, I didn't think it would be taken this seriously. Dad, humor's very subjective, okay? I mean, we're talking, like, multiple levels of interpretation here," Stiles defended himself.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Dad, Jackson isn't completely innocent in this. I mean he should get a restraining order because of the way he acts and treated me-" I said but stopped myself. They didn't know about what happened yet.

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