S2x05.5 - Venomous || Part Two

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After the final bell rung, Sammy, Stiles, and I led Lydia to the library. She was really confused as to why we were following her around, but we didn't answer any of her questions. We found a table in the back and sat down, then Allison came.

"Hey Rae, Sammy could I talk to you two real quick?"

We nodded and left Stiles to watch Lydia as we followed Allison to the back of the library. The nonfiction section. Hah! Good place to hide, no one comes back here.

"So, I showed Ms. Morrell, the school counselor, the book and she translated some of it for me. She said the kanima is like a werewolf, it's power is greatest at the moon's peak. She also said that like the wolf, the kanima is a social creature, but where the wolf seeks a pack, the kanima seeks a friend. I asked what it meant by "a friend" and she said maybe it's lonely. Like a-"

"Teenager," Sammy finished.

"So the kanima is a lonely teenager?" I clarified. "Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think Lydia's lonely. I mean, she's got you two."

"Either way, we still need to protect her," Allison looked behind us, across the library. "And we need Jackson's help. He knows what's going on. And the more people protecting Lydia, the better."

I turned to see Jackson sitting at a table with Danny and that photographer guy from Kate's funeral. They were looking at something on a laptop.

"All right," Sammy put her hands on her hips. "But I'm not talking to him. I hate him."

"Okay, fine. Let's go, Rae," she pulls my arm and takes me to their table. I notice that the photographer guy is now gone. As we approach, I hear Jackson ask, "So you can't tell me who did the editing?"

"Is there anyone else you know who can get into your house?" Danny asked Jackson.

"Yeah. Actually, I do," he looked over at Lydia, then up at us as we finally got to his table.

I put my hands on the table, hoping to look threatening.

"Jackson, we need your help," Allison said.

It obviously didn't work because he just smirked up at us, "Help with what?"

I punched him in the shoulder, "Not like that, you perv. We need help... with Lydia."

"What do you mean?" he frowned.

I pulled him to his feet, "Just come with us."

When we were out of Danny's earshot, Allison explained everything to him.

"Alright, I'll help," he agreed. "I need to talk to her anyway." I'm guessing he needed to talk to her about whatever him and Danny were just talking about before we interrupted.

"Okay, well we should get a move-on. We can go to my house," I said, then beckoned the others over.

"If we're doing a study group, why don't we just stay in the library?" Lydia asked. That must've been the lie Sammy and Stiles told her.

"Because we're meeting up with somebody else," Stiles answered, dragging her into the hall.

"Hmm, well, why don't they just meet us in the library?" She crossed her arms.

"Oh, that would've been a great idea. Too late."

"Okay, hold on -" Lydia paused but then Jackson grabbed her arm and led her in front of us.

"Lydia, shut up and walk."

|| Teen Wolf ||

When we got into my house, Stiles locked the door behind us. Like, extra locked it. The deadbolt, chain lock, everything. Then he looked out the window, cautiously.

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