Sx11.5 - Formality || Part Two

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I sat on Isaac's bed, watching as he ran around the room, frantically, trying to get ready for the formal.

"What do you think?" Isaac asked, standing in front of me with his arms out. He was wearing a black tie, black vest, black jacket, and a top hat.

"You look fine... if you were trying to look like a magician. Take off the top hat!" I took the top hat off of his head and placed it on mine. "You're going to a formal dance, not the ball, Cinderella."

Isaac shot me a glare, "Since when did you become sarcastic?"

I shrugged innocently, "I have no idea what you mean."

Isaac scoffed and straightened his tie, "You know, you and Sammy would get along really good."

"It's really well," I corrected. "If you're going to speak English, do it correctly."

"Yeah, yeah," Isaac said, not giving a care. "So you're going to distract Dad when he gets home, right?"

I nodded, "Yep. I'm gonna tell him that you went to sleep 'cause you got tired after practice."

Isaac gave me a kiss on the forehead, "Thanks for doing this for me, Addie. I think I really like this girl."


I've decided to tell Sammy everything.

|| Flashback ||

"So what was that about this morning with Sammy?" I asked Scott from the couch, after school.

"What?" Scott, clueless as ever.

"This morning... after Stiles and I left the room... You and Sammy were talking..." I explained slowly for his dumbass.

"Oh," Scott remembered. "She was apologizing."

"For what?"

"For kind of... implying you were a slut."

"Of course. She's just like everyone else," I rolled my eyes.

"Hey," Scott defended. "She didn't mean it. If only she knew what really happened to you..." he trailed off.

"Not happening."

"And, remind me again, why not, exactly?"

"Why are you being all preachy today, Scott?" I laughed.

"Don't do that."

"Don't do what?"

"Don't hide your feelings behind humor. Could you not be emotionally detached, just this once?"

"I don't know what you want me to say, Scott."

"Don't you miss her?"

"Of course I do!"

"Then tell her the truth."

I took a deep breath. "It's more complicated than that."

"It doesn't have to be."

"She won't understand."

"But you're not even giving her a chance to!"

I burst out, "I'm ashamed, okay?! I don't want her to know I was raped!"

Scott sighed and came to me, putting his arm around me. "She won't judge you. Sammy's not like that, and you know it. I know you think you're so strong, but you're not. No one's that strong. No one's perfect. You gotta let people in to be strong, Rae."

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