S2x09 - Party Guessed || Part One

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Stiles sped to the animal clinic and he hadn't even parked before Rae and I were opening our doors.

We raced into the clinic and found Dr. Deaton, Derek, and a passed out Scott on a table in the back.

I don't think I've ever seen Scott hurt like this before. When we were kids, he would occasionally scrape his knee because he would always do something stupid. I would always yell at him for doing something stupid. I still don't think that part has changed, though. I seriously hope he was okay. Scott didn't deserve this.

"Thank you," Derek was saying, interrupting my thoughts.

Deaton nodded at him, smiled at the rest of us in assurance and left the room.

"Is he okay?" I asked Derek.

He nodded.

"Are sure?"

He nodded again.


"Yes, I am positively sure," Derek rolled his eyes. "Ask me again and I will rip you to shreds."

"Wow, Mr. Hale that was so kind of you! Great role model," I muttered under my breath.

"I heard that," he glared. "My father went by Mr. Hale."

"Yeah, but he's dead..." I babbled. My eyes widened after I realized what I said. "And you're not, which means you're here with us, instead of hell!"

"Uh... Sammy?" Stiles warned.

I realized what I said and to be honest, I was too scared to do anything. After the whole supernatural drama started, I've been saying whatever comes to my mind out loud lately. I never realized how bad it was.

"Samantha," Derek glared. "Shut up."

"Stop talking to me like that! Plus, I go by Sam or Sammy! I thought that would've gotten through your small brain but I guess not," I defended myself. "Maybe if you started to smile more and not mope around, I wouldn't have babbled like that! You should seriously stop frowning! Did you know it takes about forty-three muscles to frown? Maybe if you stopped frowning, you'd put those muscles to use and you'd actually start to win fights-" Stiles quickly covered my mouth with his hand, in an attempt to stop me from talking.

Derek gave me a death glare and was about to lunge at me, when Rae stopped him.

"She's just nervous about Scott!" Rae defended me, saving my ass. "They've been friends for a long time and she just talks more than usual when she's nervous."

"You're not gonna kill me, right?" I asked after Stiles let go.

"I'm considering it," he said. "I can't decide who's more annoying, you or your brother."

"Don't worry. I wonder about that, too," I let out a smile.

At that moment, Deaton came into the room. "Stiles, Sammy, Rae. You three should go home, you need to go to school."

"He's my little brother and I'm staying," Rae protested.

"Scott's my friend and I'm staying, too!" I said.

Stiles nodded his head in agreement

"All of you, go home. He'll be fine," Derek said, in a no-nonsense tone.

"Couldn't you say that nicely? You're even more grumpy than that famous Grumpy Cat!" I fired back.

"Does she ever shut up?" Derek asked Rae and Stiles.

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