S3x05 - Frayed || Part One

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"You know, when you said we're going on a road trip I thought you meant to like Vegas or something," Lydia said from the passenger seat next to Allison, "not to follow your brothers going to a cross country meet."

"Well, if I told you that you would you have agreed to come?" I asked from the back seat.

Lydia was silent for a moment then let out a, "No."

"After what happened I'm not letting him out of my sight," I murmured.

"Especially after what Rae said," Allison nodded.

"What'd Rae say?" Lydia asked, looking back at Rae. But Rae was just staring out the window, silent.

"She said Scott seemed like he was in pain this morning. And when she tried to look at his wound he just flinched away," I explained.

"It's true," Addie nodded from next to me.

"So is that whole "not let them out of your sight" thing literal or more like a general rule?" Lydia asked.

"Why?" Allison frowned, glancing at Lydia.

"You're running on fumes," Lydia said, pointing at the fuel meter in front of Allison.

Allison groaned.

"Yeah," Lydia nodded. "And I'm pretty sure that bus holds a lot more gas than this Toyota."

"What if we stop?" Allison asked.

"Is it really that big of a deal? I mean, so we lose them. We know where they're headed."

"You didn't see what happened," I shook my head.

"I know who started it," Lydia countered.

"Is that what Aiden told you?"

My tone must have bothered her because she turned to look at me and said, "Aiden? Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a second. Is that why you're inviting me on this whole little road trip thing?" When she saw the look on my face she turned to Allison and saw the same look on hers. "Oh, my gosh. You're keeping an eye on them and me."

"So there's nothing going on between you two?" Allison asked.

"I'm appalled by the insinuation," Lydia said a bit too dramatically.

"Nothing?" Allison smiled.

"Nothing," Lydia confirmed.

"You know you don't have to waste your time on jerks who don't even know the difference between Betty White and Betty Friedmann!" I snapped. "Besides, there's a clear difference between bad boys and bad guys!"

"Okay, Mom!" Lydia groaned. "Why are you so preachy today?!"

"I'm just worried about Scott. I should've just listened to him."

|| Flashback ||

"If I could fall into the sky Do you think time would pass me by? 'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles if I could just see you tonight!" I sang out loud.

Was I singing the whitest song on the planet? Yes, yes I was, but in my defense, it was a catchy song. I was lucky that Stiles wasn't home though, because he would probably just yell at me to shut up and put his emo music on blast to drown out my singing.

I was about to finish off the song with my dramatic ending (It included me jumping on my bed and flipping my hair around while I incorporate jazz hands) when I heard a knock on my balcony.

"God dammit, Scott!" I gritted through my teeth as I turned off my speakers to let him in.

When I opened the door he just started laughing.

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