S1x05.5 - The Tell || Part Two

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After school, I walked to Stiles' Jeep, as usual.

He was already waiting inside, so I opened the door, and sat in the passenger seat.

"Hey, could you drop me off at Lydia's?" I asked, buckling myself in.

"Actually, yeah. That's perfect because-"

He was interrupted by Rae rapping her knuckles on his window.

He rolled the window down, "Hey, Rae."

She rested her arms on the window frame. "Hey Stiles, Sam," she nodded at me in greeting, then turned back to Stiles. "I heard about what happened to Lydia. And... I want to make sure she's okay."

I gave her a funny look, "Do you now?"

She held eye contact with me for a few seconds, before giving up, "Okay, fine. I want to know if she saw anything; if she saw the alpha."

"Actually, that's what I was gonna say before you came." Stiles turned to look at me, "You don't mind, do you?"

"I mean, I guess not," I answered.


Stiles got out and let Rae in the backseat. Then we headed for Lydia's.


Sam knocked on the door, and Lydia's mom answered.

"Hi there, Samantha, Stiles. Who's your friend?" Mrs. Martin smiled at me.

"Hi, Mrs. Martin! Um, this is my fr- I mean Raegan!" Sammy smiled.

She's so rude!

"We're here to check up on Lydia. Is that okay?"

"Yeah! Come in," Mrs. Martin walked into the house, and we followed.

"She's in her room," she explained as she led us upstairs, to Lydia's room.

She opened the door and told Lydia, "Honey, there's a Stiles, Samantha, and Raegan here to see you."

She opened the door further, and I saw Lydia laying on her bed, inspecting her nails.

"What the hell is "a stiles"?" she slurred.

Sammy and I snickered at Stiles' expression.

"She took a little something to ease her nerves. You can go in," Mrs. Martin said, then left.

"Thanks," Stiles replied.

"What are you guys doing here?" Lydia said from the bed, turning around.

"We came to see how you were doing," Sammy said.

She looked at her, "You, I get," then she looked at me and Stiles, "But you two, why?" She patted the spot in front of her, motioning Stiles to sit.

"Because we was worried about you. How you feeling?" Stiles answered, sitting.

Then Lydia got really close to Stiles, "I feel fantastic."

"Oh," Stiles said looking at her medicine, he picked it up and examined it, "What? I bet you can't say "I saw Suzy sitting in a shoeshine shop" ten times fast."

"I saw Shuzy," Lydia tried, "I shaw-" Stiles put the medicine back and Lydia stared off in space, "I saw..."

I realized what she had started talking about, so I uncrossed my arms and touched her arm, in case she zoned out, "Lydia, what did you see?"

"Something..." she said, still staring off into space.

"Something like... a mountain lion?" Stiles asked.

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