S1x08 - Lunatic || Part One

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*Creds to Starr Hale for Raegan's outfit




"Where are we going?"

"You'll see," Stiles answered Scott.

"We really shouldn't be out here. Our mom is in a constant state of freak out after what happened at school," Scott replied, looking back, as if Mom was gonna pop out from behind a tree.

"Well, your mom isn't the sheriff," Stiles replied.

"There's no comparison, trust me," Sammy agreed.

Scott was still persistent. "Can you at least just tell me what we're doing out here?"

"Yes," Stiles sighed, "When your best friend gets dumped-"

Scott interrupted, "I didn't get dumped, we're taking a break!"

"Denial's not just a river in Egypt, Scottie," I said, swerving a tree branch.

This was not the right outfit to be drudging around the dirty woods in. I was wearing a stylishly ripped black t-shirt, black heeled boots with knee-high red socks, a super cute black choker, and my brand new white shorts! I could not get those dirty, I had just bought them.

"Alright, well, when your best friend gets told by his girlfriend that they're taking a break..." Stiles paused and pulled a Jack Daniels out of his jacket. "You get your best friend drunk!"


Half a bottle later, Rae and Stiles were drunk off their asses. Scott drank a lot too, but he didn't seem drunk yet. And I didn't like drinking, so I was sober. Plus, I was designated driver.

"Dude, you know she's just one-one girl. You know, there's so many other girls in the sea," Stiles slurred.

"Fish in the sea," Scott corrected.

"Fish? Why you talking about fish? I'm talking about girls... Ahh, I love girls. Love 'em. Especially ones with strawberry blonde hair, green eyes, 5'3."

"Like Lydia?" Rae giggled.

"Exactly! Hey, how did you know I was talking about-about...What was I talking about?"

Rae shrugged. "Well, I hate guys. I hate them so much. They can all burn in hell. Besides you two, of course. Love you guys!"

Stiles burst out laughing, "I love you too, Rae. Haha, Rae! Like ray. Like ray of sunshine. You are so not a ray of sunshine."

They started laughing like it was the funniest joke in the universe.

Scott just sat there and moped.

"Hey, you're not happy." Stiles said, smacking Scott's leg, and picking up the bottle. "Take a drink."

"I don't want anymore," Scott mumbled.

"You're not drunk?"

"I'm not anything," he mumbled moodily.

"Hey, maybe it's like-maybe it's like not needing your inhaler anymore, you know? Maybe you can control your drunk as a wolf." Scott looked at him as he questioned, "Are we drunk?"

"Try wasted," I mumbled into my hand.

"YEAH!" Rae and Stiles yelled, high-fiving each other.

Stiles tried fist-bumping Scott. But Scott didn't meet his fist, so he put it down.

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