S3x04 - Unleashed || Part One

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"Your friend got expelled?!" Corey said in shock. He, Mason, and I were all standing in front of the school, waiting for Liam to arrive. Today was going to be his first day at Beacon Hills High, and Mason wanted to show him around.

"At least, he's going here, now," Mason said cheerfully. "I can't wait for you two to meet."

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear," I said, seeing Liam, who was walking towards us.

"Hey, Liam, you ready to start your first day at Beacon Hills High?" Mason asked once Liam reached us.

"Oh, I'm ready," Liam said, "Ready to get the hell out of here." He then looked at me and smiled. "Hey, Addie!"

I smiled back and tucked my hair behind my ear. "Hey, Liam."

"Oh! Before I forget..." Mason grabbed Corey's wrist and pulled him so he was standing in front of Liam. "This is Corey Bryant. Corey, this is Liam Dunbar."

Liam smirked, and exchanged looks with me. "So this is the Corey you're always talking to me about?"

Mason's eyes widened and he quickly stepped on Liam's foot. "Shut up!"

Meanwhile, poor Corey was looking back and forth between Mason and Liam, confused about what Liam had said. "What?"

I giggled and patted him on the back, "Just forget about it."

|| Teen Wolf ||

After showing Liam around the school, I left the boys and went to meet up with Sammy and Rae in front of the school, like we usually did every morning before the bell rang.

"Hey, Addie," Sammy greeted, but then she frowned as she looked behind me. "Where're Scott, Isaac, and Stiles?"

I shrugged. "I dunno."

"Didn't you come from practice?" Rae asked.

I shook my head. "I was showing Liam around the school."

Rae smirked and wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. "Are you sure you were showing Liam the school?"

My eyes widened and I felt my cheeks burning. "Yes, I was! And Mason and Corey were there, too!"

"Well, you could've all done a-"

"Rae, stop teasing Addie," Sammy chided, as she looked around, distractedly. "Where are they?" she muttered.

"Practice?" Rae suggested.

"Yeah, but they're usually done by now," Sammy frowned.

"Maybe Coach is making them do extra?" I offered.

Sammy sighed. "Mayb-"

"Guys!" Stiles shouted, running to us across the lawn with a frowning Scott and a furious Isaac behind him.

"What happened?" I frowned at Isaac.

"I'll tell you what happened!" Stiles exclaimed. "We were jogging in the woods-"

"Ethan and Aiden are the alpha twins," Isaac spat out.

"Whoa, buddy," Stiles said. "You're not very good at storytelling. So anyway-"

"Alpha twins?" Rae frowned.

"What are alpha twins?" I asked.

"Well, if you let me finish, I-"

Stiles was cut off again, this time by Scott. "They merge together to form one huge alpha."

"Yeah," Stiles started again, "So when Isaac figured out, like an idiot, he went after them and-"

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