S3x05.5 - Frayed || Part Two

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I don't know what Stiles had done but it worked. We followed the bus to the next rest area and Rae, Allison and I went to go help Scott and Stiles get to the men's bathroom. On our way we heard Coach yell, "Jared, you suck! Hey, somebody grab some towels. Or a mop. Or a new bus." What in the world had Stiles done?

When we finally got to the bathroom, we helped Scott sit on the ground. I lifted his shirt up to reveal a huge black gash on the side of his abdomen with black veins spreading out from it.

"Oh, my God," I gasped.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Rae asked angrily.

"Sorry," Scott said, too innocently for even Rae to stay mad at him.

"This shouldn't be happening," Allison said, pulling us aside where Scott couldn't hear. "I've seen him heal from worse than this."

"Okay, what do we do then? Do we just call an ambulance?" Stiles asks.

"What if it's too late? What if they can't help? We gotta do something," Rae said.

"You know, it could be psychological," Lydia said.

"What do you mean, like, psychosomatic?" Stiles asked.

"Somatoformic," Lydia corrected.


"A physical illness from a psychogenic cause. Yes, it's all in his head."

"All in his head?" Stiles thought for a moment then said, "Because of Derek."

"He's not letting himself heal 'cause Derek died," I realized.

"So what do we do?" Allison asked.

Lydia took a pin and thread out of her purse and shrugged. "Stitch him up." When all of us gave her incredulous looks she said, "I'm serious. Maybe all he needs to do is just believe it's healing."

"Who's going to do it?" I asked.

"I'll do it," Allison said.

"Well then let's get to work," Rae said and all of us went back to Scott.

"He's gonna need another shirt," I said, taking it off so that Allison could access him better. "Where's his bag?"

"Um, I'm gonna get it. I hate needles anyway, so uh, do you know what you're doing?" Stiles asked Allison.

"Yeah, my father taught me," she replied, sterilizing the needle.

"I mean, how fast are you gonna—I mean, the bus, like, the bus could leave."

"Well, you just make sure it doesn't leave."

"I can help. Come on," Lydia said pulling Stiles out of the bathroom.

I turned to Rae. "It's probably better if we go too. She needs to focus."

Rae stared at Scott for a moment, sighing, then said, "Okay." We walked out of the restroom to see another problem...


"We'll be right back, Addie," Sammy had told me, not waiting for a response, as they all jumped out of the car.

I sighed and decided to stay in the car for once. I would probably just get in the way. Like last night.

|| Flashback ||

I ran in to see Rae, Sammy, and Allison watching whatever was going on from over the ledge of the second floor of this abandoned mall.

"Are we serious with this kid?" I heard a woman say. "Look at him. He's an alpha? To what? A couple of useless teenagers?"

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