S1x06 - Heart Monitor || Part One

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The next day, Scott and I were being forced to go grocery shopping by Mama McCall.

There, Scott informed me on what had happened with him yesterday; him and Allison ditching class for her birthday, them getting in a lot of trouble with their parents, the alpha showing up at the parent-teacher conference, Sheriff Stilinski getting hit by a car (it was minor injury), and Chris shooting the alpha, which turned out to be only a mountain lion.

And I told him about what happened with me; Derek asking me to see if Lydia saw anything, Stiles, Sammy, and I going to Lydia's, us finding the video on her phone, me going to Derek's to tell him (I realized I never even got to tell him. But, that's what he gets), Kate showing up, me and Kate fighting, her winning, and Derek saving me. Ugh.

Wow, we had busy lives lately.

When we had finished talking, we were back in the parking garage, with bags in our hands.

Scott looked around, confused. "Hey, where'd I park my car again?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. You're the werewolf. Aren't you supposed to have good memory or something?"

He put his groceries down, and took out the keys from his pocket. He pressed a button, and the car honked from the level above us.

He was about to pick up the bags again, when a bottle of milk rolled under a car.

"Crap," Scott said.

He went to get it, when it rolled back... with claw marks on it.

Then we heard growling.

Oh shit.

"Run!" Scott yelled.

I dropped my bags, and started running alongside him.

We were running as fast as we could. Then Scott pulled me behind a car and we sat there, catching our breaths.

He told me, in the secret hand-language we had made up when we were kids, that he was going to create a diversion.

I nodded.

We got up. And he started jumping on all the cars in the row in front of us, which caused their alarms to start blaring. Meanwhile, I ran through the space in front of the cars. We met up at the end of the row, and went to hide behind another car.

When did Scott become so smart?

Then his phone started ringing.

Or not...

He fumbled around for a second, before finally turning it off.

We were about to run again, when Scott was pulled up, away from me. He was slammed onto the car hood.

I was about to attack, not caring if I was a puny human against an alpha werewolf, when I heard Derek's voice.

"You're dead," he announced.

Hearing his voice sparked the anger inside of me. "Oh, hell no! You're the dead one here," I growled, throwing some punches at him. My anger made me sloppy. Plus, his werewolf reflexes helped him dodge all of them.

But I didn't care. I moved to lunge at him, but before I could do it, I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist to stop me.

"Let me go, Scott! I'm gonna murder him, resurrect him, then stick a stake up his ass and out of his mouth!" I screamed, thrashing around.

"Stakes are for vampires," Derek muttered.

"You think I care?! It'll still hurt like a bitch."

"She's right, Derek. What the hell was that?" Scott yelled at him, letting me go.

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