S1x03 - Pack Mentality || Part One

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"So you have serial killer-slash-sex fetish dreams with Allison; TMI, Scottie-poo, TMI," I told him, slapping his chest, while walking through the school halls. For some reason, I was hanging out with them more lately. Maybe the wolf thing brought us all closer. I know Scott noticed, because whenever no one was looking he'd give me a knowing smile. I think he thought that I was finally healing over what happened, many years ago. Little does he know, I had just slept with some guy last night. It was painfully satisfying.

Back to the present, Scott rolled his eyes.

"What Rae meant to say was-you killed her," Stiles told him.

Scott shrugged. "I don't know. I just woke up. I was sweating like crazy and I couldn't breathe. I've never had a dream where I've woken up like that before."

"Really? I have," Stiles commented. "It usually ends a little differently."

I smirked and joked, "Dreaming about me again, Stiles dear?"

Stiles snorted sarcastically, "Hell yeah."

Scott scrunched up his nose and said, "Gross. One," he turned to Stiles slightly, "Never give me that much detail of you in bed again. And two," He turned so he was facing both of us, "Never joke around like that when I'm around. I don't need to imagine my sister and best friend doing things."

"Oh, like what you and Allison did in your dream last night?" I asked grinning as he turned pink, "You know before you went all Animal Planet on her."

Scott groaned. "You will never let me live this down."


"Let me take a guess here though-" Stiles started, but Scott interrupted.

"No, I already know. You think it has something to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow. Like I'm going to lose control and rip her throat out."

"Ain't that a pretty picture," I poked him.

Scott gave me a look, but I just smiled innocently.

"No, of course not," Stiles disagreed then saw the looks Scott and I gave him, "Yeah, that's totally it. Hey come on, it's going to be fine, alright? Personally I think you're handling this pretty freaking amazingly and Rae would agree, right?" he turned to me.

"I think it just hasn't sunk in yet. He'll crack and try to kill the whole town soon."

Stiles elbowed me and continued, "Don't listen to Raegan. We all know she's in need of mental help." Boy, you have no idea.

"Yeah, you're right there with me, Stilinski," I said, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Regardless Scott, you are doing awesome. You know, it's not like there's a 'Lycanthropy for Beginners' class you can take."

Scott gave both of us a look before saying, "Not a class, but maybe a teacher...?"

My 'Sexy senses' are tingling!

Stiles had the same train of thought, "Who? Derek?" he exclaimed then slapped the back of Scott's head, "Did you forget the part where we got him tossed in jail?"

"Ah," I sang, "I guess this is the part when I say "I told you so"."

"Yeah, whatever. I know. But chasing her, dragging her to the back of the bus. It felt so real."

"How real?" Stiles asked.

"Like it actually happened."

Then as the boys on my sides opened the back school doors, I felt my jaw drop. There, in the parking lot, with cops all around it was a school bus practically mangled and bloody. The emergency exit was almost torn from the hinges. There was blood marks all over it, along with inside the bus. This was the bus from Scott's so-called dream.

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