S1x12 - Code Breaker || Part One

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Grinning at Argent, I moved closer to Jackson and said, "I'm not sure what you mean, Mr. Argent. But whatever you want to know, you're not gonna get it from Jackson. He's completely wasted." I began to help Jackson up; he didn't resist. "In fact, I should probably take him back to the dance. His date is probably worrying about him."

Argent wasn't dense. He knew exactly who Jackson's date was. Overprotective, hunter-father is definitely going to know who is taking his daughter out. I wasn't good with threats (wasn't even a threat, just stating facts), but hopefully he would let us go.

What the hell was I thinking? This is Chris Argent. Since when has he been a pushover? The answer is never, in case you have Scott's mentality.

"Oh," he smiled. "This will only take a minute."

Mother fucker.

I tried to smile back, but it wasn't working.

"I'll tell you," Jackson said suddenly, looking up at the hunter.

Cock sucker mother fucker.

I chuckled and patted Jackson, "He already knows you're drunk, Jackson. No need for confessions. This isn't a taxi cab."

Argent chuckled, "My, my, Raegan, you sound as if you're trying to hide something from me. But you wouldn't do that, would you? I mean it's not like you have anything to hide." He finished with that smile permanently attached to his face.

I shook my head, "No sir. Nothing to hide. I just think this isn't the right time, considering there's a drunk minor. I should get him home. Surely you understand, Mr. Argent. Don't you?" I asked him with a smile as well.

Two could smile at this game. See what I did there? Even in the face of Argent, my comedic being shines.

He continued to smile, "Of course I do."

I didn't trust that smile. I just needed to get Jackson out of here before he started spouting off things. I didn't know how sober he was, but I was going to milk this whole drunk thing for as long as I can.

Pulling Jackson towards the school, I said, "Come on, Jackson." He followed me without a word, and for a second I thought we would get out of here, but nothing is that easy, especially with hunters.

We both froze and the sound of guns being loaded.

I knew this was just to scare us. We weren't the werewolves, they didn't want us. They just wanted information from us, and unfortunately they found it. They were not about to let it slip from their fingers.

"You see, this is rather urgent," Argent explained as he walked towards us.

"Derek Hale's a werewolf," Jackson blurted out.

My eyes widened and I gripped harder onto his arm that I was holding. He pulled it away and turned to Argent. "I'll tell you anything you want to know."

"Jackson, shut up," I hissed.

Argent chuckled and walked closer to him, patting him on the shoulder. "Thank you for being so understanding, Jackson. I already knew that, but I have some questions."

"He doesn't know what he's talking about," I said quickly, trying to glare a hole through Jackson. "Let's go back to the dance, Jackson."

"The other wolf is-" he started, but I cut him off.

"Jackson, you don't know what you're messing with."

I angrily walked up to him, but was stopped when the crony stood in between us, propping his gun threateningly. I froze in fear.

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