S1x06 - Heart Monitor || Part Two

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"YES!" I stood up and yelled, earning a glare from the librarian. I sat back down. "I mean, yeah. That's totally cool with me. I mean, I'm so up for it. Like it's totally rad!" I babbled. I internally face-palmed. Rad? Who says 'rad' anymore? Why do I ruin things for myself?

I cursed myself silently for being so awkward.

"I'm guessing that's a yes! So, ummm... I'll text you the details," he smiled.

Gosh, why did he have to be so cute?

"And for the record, you do look beautiful with or without makeup." He tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"T-Thank you," I blushed.

"Remember that poetry assignment you helped me on?" he asked.


"Guess who go an 'A'?!" he smiled, showing me the paper that had a big "A" written on it in red pen.

"Oh my god! That is amazing!" I smiled.

"I couldn't have done it without you," he smiled.

|| Teen Wolf ||

After the tutoring session, I came out the front doors, and was about to go to Stiles' Jeep, when my phone buzzed, indicating a text. I took it out of my back pocket.

It was Stiles; "We're heading to the outside of the left wing of the school. I'm gonna teach Scott how to control. And I'm gonna be a way better Yoda than Derek!"

I rolled my eyes.

Oh, Stiles...

|| Teen Wolf ||

When I got there, Stiles was saying to Scott, "Okay. Stand right there. Do you have your keys?" He noticed me, "Hey, Sammy."

"Hey, guys," I greeted.

Scott smiled at me, then took out a key.

Bad idea, Scott...

I could already tell what Stiles was about to do, from all those big guys standing a few yards away from a truck.

"Perfect! Hold 'em up like so-" he put Scott's hand, which had a key in it, up in the air. "Now, whatever happens, just think about Allison. Try to find her voice like you did at the game. Got it?"


"Just- keep holding it right there," he said, backing away.

I was about to warn Scott, when I heard an ear-splitting noise. Stiles was scratching the truck with his key.

He quickly came next to me and yelled, "Ey, ey, ey. What do you think you're doing to that truck, bro?"

One guy, probably the owner of the truck, turned around and yelled, "What the hell?"

Scott quickly put the key away and started shaking his head like an idiot, when the guy and his three friends started beating up Scott.

"Ow! My god. Wow," Stiles scratched his head.

I winced, "Stiles, you have to stop this!"

"No, no. Relax. This is the only way to teach him."

The more the guys beat him up, the faster Stiles heart rate app started beating.

"It's not working, Stiles!"

He ignored me, "Ah, come on, stay calm. Stay calm." It started beating even faster, "Oh, that's not okay. Scott. C'mon, buddy."

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