S1x09.5 - Wolfsbane || Part Two

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"You want me to do what?"

Danny looked at me then back to Stiles in surprise.

Stiles did not stutter. "Trace a text. Well, two to be exact."

Danny insisted, "I came here to do lab work. That's what lab partners do." Suddenly Danny turned to me and questioned, "And why are you here? Aren't you lab partners with Tim?"

I waved it off and pushed him, "Come on, I'm sure Harris wouldn't mind if you neglected his work just this once." Then I clapped my hands together and said, "You know what? I'll even talk to him for you."

Danny looked at me and shook his head, "No, Sammy. Lab work, not fugitive work."

It's time to crack down and bring out the lip. Blinking my eyes at him, I pushed my bottom lip out a bit, and said in a sad tone, "Please, Danny. You're our only hope." I was feeling a bit theatrical.

He groaned and averted his eyes from me.

Stiles chuckled somewhat evilly (he knew the power of my pout), "Just give in, Danny."

At the sound of Stiles' voice, he looked at him then back to me. He raised his hand to me and I knew I had won. I was seriously amazing with my look. I'm simply remarkable-

I sputtered as Danny's hand engulfed my face and pushed me away. "No, no, no. I'm not doing it, so both of you can just drop it. I'll say it one more time – We are doing lab work, nothing more."

I squinted at him in anger.

"Look," Stiles said, "We'll do lab work...once you trace the texts."

Danny quirked an eyebrow and asked, "And what makes you think I know how?"

"Well, I looked up your arrest report, so..."

"I was thirteen," defended Danny. "They dropped the charges."

Stiles made an inaudible noise as he raised his eyebrows slightly.

Danny was not going for it, as he said, "No. We're doing lab work." With that, he grabbed a chair and began to pull out his stuff.

Stiles sighed and turned to the computer, where he began typing. Angrily, might I add?

Danny sat down next to him, while I stood behind Stiles. I was inspecting my nails, when Danny leaned in closer to ask a question. "Who's he again?"

I assumed he was talking about the mysterious figure that was lingering in the corner of the room, pretending to read.

"Um," Stiles started, looking back at Derek. "My cousin." I resisted the urge to facepalm, and smiled assuredly when Danny looked at me, as if he was checking for confirmation. "Miguel."

Danny looked back to Der- Miguel. Chuckle, chuckle. "Is that blood on his shirt?"

Stiles and I both turned quickly to see that Derek did in fact have blood on his shirt. Stiles widened his eyes at me before answering Danny, "Yeah. Yes. Well, he gets these horrible nosebleeds."

I nodded, vigorously.

"Hey Miguel," Stiles called out to Derek. The look on Derek's face was deadly. "I thought I told you could borrow one of my shirts." Stiles nudged his head toward his drawers. Pft. As if those huge muscles could fit into Stiles' scrawny shirts.

Derek closed the book and threw it on the bed, exaggeratedly, before standing up and walking over to the dresser. He took off his shirt.

Oh, if only Rae were here...

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