S1x11 - Formality || Part One

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*Edit made by Potterheart234


"Call it again," Scott practically demanded for the hundredth time.

I groaned loudly from Scott's bed, "Scott, seriously? You're bugging! We gotta go to school! Wait... did I just say that...?"

"Come on, I know it's here!" he retorted, ignoring me, as he searched for his misplaced phone.

Sammy, who was sitting on the rolling chair, sighed, "It's not here."

Suddenly, Scott got up and stopped searching for his phone.

Then he turned to the three of us, including Stiles, "You guys are right. You're always right. Why do I even question your guys' rightness? You clearly are so right. It makes me cry at how right you are," is what I wished he said.

Instead he continued his search and ignored us.

"So you lost your phone," Stiles said lifting his arms as if to say what's done is done. "Why don't you just get a new one?"

"I can't afford a new one," argued Scott from his position on the floor.

"That's not our problem, Mr. Irresponsible," I replied as I layed on his bed with my face in the mattress.

Scott groaned, whether it was at me or not finding his phone I didn't know. "And I can't do this alone. We have to find Derek."



I didn't know how to feel about him. He was one rude motherfucker. He's also a bad guy, he sided with the Alpha. But on the other hand, he saved my brother's life. That's got to mean he's good now, right?

I hope so. Because we stood no chance without Derek. Three puny humans and a newbie wolf versus two expert wolves who've been raised to become werewolves?

Yeah, right.

Still, Stiles was optimistic. "Well A, you're not alone, you have me," he said happily, as if he was the best thing in the world.

Propping myself on one elbow, I looked at Stiles and cleared my throat suggestively.

He blatantly looked in the other direction.

I cleared my throat again more loudly and Sammy lightly kicked him in the shin.

He smacked his lips and went to continue talking when a huge pillow hit his face. He was almost sent flying to the floor, partly from shock, partly from him just being Stiles.

"Alright, Jesus!" Stiles shouted.

I sat crisscross applesauce and waved him off. "Please, that's too formal. Call me Raegan or 'oh great one'. I accept either or."

Sammy burst out laughing and Scott gave a low chuckle, seeing as how he was still looking for the missing phone.

Stiles gave me deadpan look, "Hardy, har, har." He flipped me off before turning back to Scott. "As I was saying, you're not alone. You have me, Sammy, and that thing contaminating your bed." Another pillow, a dramatic duck, and another middle finger. "And B, didn't you say Derek walked into gunfire? He sounds pretty dead."

"You sound pretty dead," I retorted loudly, threatening to throw another pillow. I swear Scott had so many freaking pillows and it's not fair.

Stiles flinched at the pillow before retorting, "You're still worried about him? I thought you were angry at him for siding with the Alpha?"

"I am, but that doesn't mean I want him dead," I replied, crossing my arms. "Besides, he can't be dead. He's Derek Hale. He does not die easily."

"Gunfire," Stiles repeated slowly, "He walked into gunfire. Unless he's walking around with a bunch of bullet holes, I doubt he's alive."

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