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I walked into the library and quickly hid behind a bookshelf. I felt like I could be myself there. I let out a relieved sigh and smiled.

The shelves had no backs to them, and I hoped no one was on the other side. I picked up an interesting looking book and quickly checked the clock by the entrance.

In doing so, I saw Niall walk into the library. The space between the two shelves I stood in was visible to him. I quickly went back to looking at the book in my hands and subconsciously started humming to seem busy.

I heard a few people say hi to him but kept reading the passage on the back of the book. It didn't seem like my kind of book.

As I looked up to put the book back, Niall's face appeared. I almost screamed, and I grabbed my heart as instinct for some reason. I gasped loudly, and he laughed from the other side of the bookshelf.

"Hey (Y/N)," he smirked from between two books. I blinked and breathed quickly for a few seconds.

"Niall," I said quietly. "Don't do that!" I whisper-yelled. He laughed again, squeezing his eyes shut.

"I got you good," he smiled triumphantly. He moved a few more books out of both our sides to get a better view.

I put the book back and he moved it to the side. He then put his head in his hands and just stared at me.

"What?" I wondered. I picked up another book, and he didn't say anything. "What are you doing?" I questioned, looking up at him. He wasn't smiling anymore; he looked concentrated.

"I'm just watching," he said. I felt my cheeks turn red and looked away again.

"Okay." I chuckled abit, trying to make my face regain normal temperature. I heard a few books move. I felt his presence vanish, and sure enough when I looked up, he was gone.

I sighed abit because he left. He was really nice. I also sighed at how much I had come to like him. He had put the books back, so maybe he just got bored.

I saw him walk up on my left through my peripheral vision and looked up. I put my book back because he seemed as if he needed to say something.

Suddenly, he pushed me up against the bookcases and kissed me softly. His hands gripped my waist and I didn't resist. My hands, which had immediately come up to defend myself and push him away rested on his shoulders. My eyes fell closed and I focused on how in-sync our lips moved.

He released and I accidently moved forward into him again, trying to calm my hunger. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He smiled at me.

"I had to do that," he whispered. I bit my lip and smiled up at him, comforted by his body close to mine. His lips were still only inches from mine, and his hands held me in place on my back.

"I'm really glad you did," I whispered back. I saw goosebumps run up his toned arms and looked back to his beautiful blue eyes. He leaned back down and placed a soft, lingering kiss on my lips.



You guys are the best people in the world. 900 reads in OUTSTANDING.

No matter how many reads it gets, I will be surprised every single time.

I love you!

Mel x

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