Gas (Request)

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I need my freaking coffee. Hurry up! I yelled to myself, tapping my foot as I sat and tried to stay awake. I would have preferred a Starbucks -- typical white girl, I know -- but McDonald's came around first. Road trips were never fun, but at least I would get to see my family.

"Order for Mary," the guy at the counter yelled out. It was 3 morning, and I could barely stand on my own feet. Seeing him so awake and focused made me jealous. Yeah, I could have pulled over and slept, but I was on a tight schedule.

"Thanks," I mumbled, taking my coffee and turning to leave.

"Wait!" he exclaimed, making my dead brain jump. I sighed, my eyelids protesting as I met his eyes once more. He was remarkably cute, but I didn't think about that.

"Here's my number," he smiled, placing a slip of paper on the lid of my cup.

"Why?" I chuckled, not moving it but not looking at him. He laughed back.
"Why not take a chance? Who knows what could happen?" he asked, or something to that effect.

I shoved it in my purse, leaving without a word, and walked back out to my car. It beeped at me, and I yelled back, pulling back onto the freeway.

After a while, the scalding heat and caffeine woke me up a little, along with a loud song to help me stay awake. I suddenly noticed that my gas tank was almost completely empty. My eyes popped, wondering how I could be so stupid. I also considered that I was half asleep when I pulled over.

"Crap," I muttered, continuing to drive along. Not even a minute later, the car started giving out, and I screeched, pulling over onto the side of the road.

The panic subsided as quick as it came, and I was just upset. No one could come to my rescue, everyone was another three hours away.

When my coffee disappeared, I remembered the guy at the McDonald's. What was his name? Neil? I couldn't remember that much.

I pulled out the number, dialing it quickly.

"Hello?" he picked up. I sighed out, smiling happily.

"It's, uh, Mary," I let out.

"From just half an hour ago? Are you horny or something?" he laughed, and I felt my cheeks redden.

"No!" I yelled, gritting my teeth as his immaturity. "My car broke down on the freeway; I'm out of gas. I guess I forgot to get some while I was stopped," I spoke, saying the last part to myself.

"Yeah, that's because McDonald's sells food not gas," he snorted, making me fume.

"If it's not too much to ask, could you stop making jokes and come help me?" I asked rudely, hoping he wasn't easily butt-hurt.

"Sure. My shift just ended, anyway," he continued laughing, and I rolled my eyes. I explained where I was, and he said he could find me easily.

"Hang tight." He ended the call, and I let out a grateful sigh. It wasn't that I wanted anything to do with the guy, but I had nobody else who could help me.

I fell asleep before he could get there, getting a rude awakening when he arrived. He knocked on the window, and I yawned before unlocking the door. He pulled it open, sighing with a relieved smile.

"You look so cute when you sleep," he grinned, and I kicked his shin, watching his face go red.

"You're here for help not to flirt," I scolded with a hint of humor. He nodded, and I stood up to stretch.

"D'you bring gas?" I wondered, seeing him nod.

"I already started putting it in, but I came over to make sure you were okay," he shrugged, finally stopping his whining about his leg.

"Thanks," I nodded, filling my tank with the rest of the gas in the container.

"Niall, by the way," he spoke up, leaning on the hood of his car. I smiled at himself.

"I knew I was close," I said happily, and he glanced down at his name tag.

"You'll be alright, yeah?" I yawned, shrugging.

"I'll stop at the next rest stop for a full tank," I told him, and he took the can from me. "Thanks so much." He beamed in the dim morning light.

"It's always good to take a chance," he shrugged, referencing his earlier words.

"I forced you to come here," I reminded him, furrowing my eyebrows.

"But there's still a chance that we'll see each other again," he smirked, and I rolled my eyes.

"I think you're the horny one," I said with no conviction. I didn't really care if I saw him again or not.

"Maybe next time," he laughed, getting into his car.



thanks to Maria_Lara for requesting this one! so sorry for the wait babe but I hope you like it!

this one was mine xD


mel x

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